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Thread: WSUS 3.0 - Managing the installation of Updates on the Clients

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    WSUS 3.0 - Managing the installation of Updates on the Clients


    i am using Win2003 SBS as WSUS 3.0 server.

    All Windows Client (Win XP Prof and Win Vista Business) are in the same workgroup and have a local setting via gpedit.msc to manage the handling with the WSUS-Server.

    Basicly i can NOT configure the Updateso n those boxes to a specific time (like lunch time or similar) as some of our employees do continue work in those times.

    So the only option i do have in mind is executing the installation while the user shutdown his computer at the evening.

    My Windows Update Client Settings in gpedit.msc are as follows (i had to translate them, so sorry that i cant provide the real english expressions for those settings):
    * Activate the Windows Update Energy-Management features
    ->not configured

    * Configure Automatic Updates
    -> Option 3

    * Install automatic Updates immeditaly
    -> activated

    * Client-sided allocation
    -> not activated

    * Enable the Shutdown & install option for....
    -> not activated

    * Enable recommended Updates via Automatic Updates
    -> activated

    * Ask for Reboot for planned Installation
    -> activated -> 1440 (max value)

    *Path to WSUS-Server
    -> activated -> http://my.wsus.server.ip:port

    * Execute no automatic reboots for planned Installations
    -> activated

    * Delay Reboot for planned installation
    -> activated -> 30

    * Show Update notifier for non-admins
    -> not activated

    * Option: Install Updates and Shutdown .....
    -> not activated

    * Allow Signed Content vom internal location
    -> activated

    * Search-frequency for automatic Updates
    -> activated -> 5

    * Schedule for planned installation
    -> activated -> 60 (max value)

    * windows-clients can check for updates during run-time / working-hours
    * Windows-clients are allowed to download those updates during working-hours
    * Installation should only start if the user does shutdown his system/OS

    What i DO NOT understand is, that those settings do work as supposed on most boxes, but some Windows installations do force the user to shutdown during working-hours (with my defined 30 min's time-gap).

    My users do NOT work with administrative-account.

    * do you see any errors in my gpedit settings for those clients ?
    * Can i provide any additional missing informations ?

    Best regards in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    read up here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Hello Viceman,

    first of all thanks for your reply.

    thanks for the link to the Release Notes for Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0

    Well basically i do have a server running and wsus-working for several month. I did followed the instructions for the basic installation.

    I dont think a link to the general Release Notes is my solution, at least i havent found the matching section (for my problem) there.

    Maybe i havent realized the section you want to show in detail.

    My problem is that some (a few) hosts dont act like the rest while using the same windows update settings in gpedit.msc.

    I would like to know if you guys have any idea if that could be related within a setting in the client os, or anything else. Maybe an issue of 3rd party software or similar.

    Best regards

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    well, i use this commands : Start --> run --> gpupdate.exe /force

    This command forces a refresh for the group policy and should change the register right away for the right WU settings.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    hi Viceman.

    i do know the /force usage.

    May i ask why do you think a reforce off values being used for a long time now may influence my problem ?

    Best regards

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Hi again

    and thanks for the reply.

    I dont think this is a related topic at all.

    ALL clients do get updates, its just the handling how & when they do install them differs

    I want updates for normal-users ONLY installed while shutdown. not while being logged in.

    i.e. a windows vista business installation, which has the setting:
    NoAutoRebootWithloggedOnUsers 1
    and still the user does not have a chance to stop the shutdown timer at all.

    he has 30 minutes ,which is defined with the local gpedit.msc settings above (first comment) and then the box just restarts.

    looks like we (or in other words: me/I) do have a communication problem hehe.

    Best regards

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