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Thread: disable outlook popup banners in Windows 8.1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    disable outlook popup banners in Windows 8.1

    I am running Windows 8.1 on my computer and recently there was an auto update installed in my pc. Ever since then there are some banners that keeps popping up if I go to Outlook with some message that states "Get on your mobile phone. Available on Windows Phone, iPhone, Android and more." I want to find a way to get rid of this popup because it is really frustrating. Please tell me some steps to disable this completely. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: disable outlook popup banners in Windows 8.1

    I am also having Windows 8.1 operating system installed in my computer with the latest windows update and I have never heard or seen this Outlook popup banners in my pc. It seems to me that there might be some kind of malware in your pc. So, you should try to scan your computer with some good antivirus, anti-malware and anti-adware softwares to get rid of it. Try Malwarebytes or Adwcleaner program which will eradicate all this malware.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: disable outlook popup banners in Windows 8.1

    I have read that the message that you are seeing could be one of microsoft's advertisement and they are showing those messages to user so that they add their account into their mobile phone and access it where ever they want to see it into their account. If you can post some screenshot of the popup where you are seeing this notification over here then we can get some more idea as to what is it exactly?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: disable outlook popup banners in Windows 8.1

    Can you try to go into Control Panel and then try to disable the Auto-Update settings to see if this removes the popup banner showing in your computer? If that doesnt work then try to press the Cancel option if it is there any. There is also an option to eliminate banner advertisements but you will need to subscribe to Ad-free from this link - Check it and let us know if it is working for you.

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