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Thread: DVD video lagging on Windows 7 Starter edition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    DVD video lagging on Windows 7 Starter edition

    I am using a system that has a 32bit of Windows 7 Starter edition. The system was having a hidden system partition. I restored that because of slow performance. Once everything was done I installed VLC player in my system and it looks to be working quiet fine. But when I play dvd videos on that it lags a lot. The voice goes proper, but the picture is responding late. I am stuck with this problem and I am not able to find any solution here. I also tried playing them in Windows Media player but it is not working. Before this was working well. What can be the issue in this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: DVD video lagging on Windows 7 Starter edition

    There can be problem with the media player you are using. Try to find the most latest version of VLC player for your pc. You can get that from the official site. Download it and then install the same. If that is also not working then there can be some issue with the system performance. Launch Task Manager and see under process which service is eating your system memory. There must be some left for decent video performance. So you have to kill the process from your system and recheck that. I am quiet sure that it might start working and you will get a proper output.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: DVD video lagging on Windows 7 Starter edition

    It can be a codec issue also. Here I will recommend you to install Klite codec pack in your system. And then try playback the videos in windows media player. It it is still lagging then it is for sure that your system is quiet occupied with too much process. And you have to kill them through Task Manager. Try to remove the applications that you are not using anymore. And then recheck. For testing purpose you can try booting your pc in safe mode and then play the dvd files in vlc player. I am quiet sure that it might start working. If it fails again then you have to format your pc.

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