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Thread: unable to install Visual Studio SDK and Emulators on Windows 8.1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    unable to install Visual Studio SDK and Emulators on Windows 8.1

    I have recently downloaded Visual Studio Software Development Kit and some Emulators on my pc and when I am trying to install it in Windows 8.1 operating system then it is not installing. But if I am trying to use it then it says that I have to enable the Hyper-V options in the BIOS menu but even after enabling it it is not working for me. I am also running Windows 8.1 Professional version which meets the requirements, so why am I getting this error on my pc? Please help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: unable to install Visual Studio SDK and Emulators on Windows 8.1

    Did you try to install the Hyper-V via the Windows Components on your computer? To do that you will need to open Windows Features by searching it and clicking on Turn Windows Features on. After that expand the Hyper-V in the sections listed. Now you can easily try to enable Hyper-V by making sure that all options for Hyper-V are checked in the Windows Features and then click on ok. After that reboot your pc when it prompts you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: unable to install Visual Studio SDK and Emulators on Windows 8.1

    You wont be able to run the Emulator if Hyper-V is not installed in your computer. What is the model of your CPU that you are using. There are some CPU that stops you to install Hyper-V and thus you wont be able to run any emulator. Like for example the Core2duo CPU macbook pro that come with VT-x that doesnt allow you to install hyper-v. I have read about a workaround for that but I cannot find it now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: unable to install Visual Studio SDK and Emulators on Windows 8.1

    If you want to install Hyper-V in Windows 8 then it needs the processor to support the Secondary Level Address Translation, in short it is called SLAT. But for Hyper-V on Windows Server 2012, this SLAT is needed only if the RemoteFX role service is enabled. So I guess that you might be stuck. Most of the emulator require hyper-v platform and this hyper-v needs a CPU with SLAT on Windows 8. Hope this clarifies your issue.

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