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Thread: How to shuffle a list in Microsoft Excel 2007

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    How to shuffle a list in Microsoft Excel 2007

    I want some help to shuffle a list in Microsoft Excel 2007. For example I am having a list of people name. And it starts with A and end at Q. This list is alphabetically arranged. But I want to shuffle it. I cannot see any feature in Excel that can do this. I had tried looking around on the web also but it looks Excel is not having any feature like this. I want some help here. I want to shuffle the names non-alphabetically and then make a printout of the same. But I am quiet stuck with this problem. Can this be done through some other software. That can help me import the cell back in Excel later on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: How to shuffle a list in Microsoft Excel 2007

    There is a third party addon that can help you to do this. You can download and use Randomizer. There is a trail edition available. This will help you to random a list. And this appear on the top ribbon in Excel. It also has other more functions. But you will get a limited access in using the same. If you do not want this then you can try using a numerical type of arrangement. Like type a random number next to the name. For example 2,100,7, etc. And then sort through that column and the job will be done. The only thing that will consume time is typing the numbers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: How to shuffle a list in Microsoft Excel 2007

    You don't need a third party addon for the same. Or you don't really have to type numbers in each and every cell of Microsoft Excel. There is one function in Excel which will help you to get the list get shuffled easily. For that you have to type =RAND() formula next to the name. And it will give you a number. You just have to drag it to the bottom. Then sort through that column and done. Your list will get shuffled. I thin this will be the fastest way of shuffling the list you have in Excel.

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