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Thread: Is it possible to embeds videos from different site in Microsoft Word

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Is it possible to embeds videos from different site in Microsoft Word

    I am trying to find out a way through which I can simply get video from different sites and insert that in a word file. I found a option to do the same via YouTube. But I am not able to find anything for other video sites like vimeo. I am creating a document here which is based on different types of tutorial. And adding a video is quiet easier for people to run. I want to know that if I send this file in a email, then does the videos will work in Word. Or they will be stop working. I cannot share the link.I want to add a full video box.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Is it possible to embeds videos from different site in Microsoft Word

    Embedding a video from youtube is the easiest option. For that you have to just turn on Developer option. It can be done throgh Word options. just turn that thing and on there you will find Active X Controls in Legacy Tools. Just click on that and add the video in the shockwave properties. You can just add the video url in that and done. And the video will be added and it will remain. But it will stream only when you are having a active internet connection. Because the video does saves in the word file. And offline streaming is not possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Is it possible to embeds videos from different site in Microsoft Word

    There is no third party plugin that can do this. Because I had seen that when you load videos the file gets heavy and also takes a very long time to load. So better add a few one only. If you are having images with that then it will be again a heavy file which not fit in a email attachment. The best thing to do here is to add reference links. And by clicking that a person can visit YouTube directly to stream video. This will keep the file size under a limitation. And also the output will be nice.

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