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Thread: Version mismatch error on Input Director

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Version mismatch error on Input Director

    I had installed Inputdirector on two pc. I want to use my laptop here. Through input director I can use my same keyboard mouse on the laptop with easy setup. But when I try to do the same I am getting a version mismatch error on the same. I had tried to restart the pc but still getting the same kind of update. I want a fix for the same. I hope there will be some way to resolve the issue. I want to use my laptop with this software so that I can use it more effectively with my single mouse and keyboard.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Version mismatch error on Input Director

    You have to re-install the software in both the pc to get rid of the problem you are facing. Or else you will keep on getting the problem. It happens sometime when you are having two different version of software installed you get such issue. So just get rid of the same first. You can go on the official
    site and download a new edition. Then install the same thing on two pc and then try back. You have to configure the master and slave in the software to use the same. I am quiet sure that will fix the problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Version mismatch error on Input Director

    To get rid of the issue you have to do as mentioned above. You have to remove the software from both the system so that you can put the right matched version on the system. Or else it wont work well. It is essential that you must download the latest version. Compare to many mouse and keyboard control app I am quiet sure that input director is must easier to use. That is because of its simple connectivity. It is fast and works well on wifi. There must be a version for android also. So that you can control the tablet through your mouse/keyboard.

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