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Thread: Change default file type to jpg for windows photo gallery in vista while scanning.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Change default file type to jpg for windows photo gallery in vista while scanning.

    I have an computer which have widows vista. The problem is I don’t know how to change default output file type to JPG while scanning with windows photo gallery. Does some one has any hint for these question , please help ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Change default file type to jpg for windows photo gallery in vista while scanning.

    In my case I have an hp scanjet 5590. Then I opened the WPG then a dialogue box appears then I have selected the important option. It contain file type in my case it was .Jpg . then it imported the WPG file to the jpg .
    In WPG there is a option import from camera or scanner . after selecting it you will get the new scan dialogue box . where you can change the format of the file. I use to do these to change the file type but there is an problem it stays for the current scanner itself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Change default file type to jpg for windows photo gallery in vista while scanning.

    Actually when I open the HP solution center and after that when I select the scanner. Then there is a setting option. But when I see mine its default was .jpg. When you want to scan by pressing the print or the copy button. In that case if you want the scan through the .jpg format then you want to set .jpg extinction on the button.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Change default file type to jpg for windows photo gallery in vista while scanning.

    I have the same problem. Then I have gone to the scanners and cameras inside the printer and other hardware device which is inside control panel. In scanners and cameras select <WIA Canon MP470…> scan profile button. It provides the capability to manage multiple profiles for this device. You can add a new profile. You can select these profiles from the list and then set as default button.

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