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Thread: Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

    As using the Acronis for taking up the back-ups and the restore what I want to know is that I’m having the Backups problem. The thing is that while taking the backups of the file from the mail server in to the C: drive I’m getting the error of the ‘Network Disconnected’. Below is the list of the following error which I’m getting it.

    Error code: 0x40019
    Tag: 0xCE542E14DA203B81
    Error occurred while writing the file.

    Error code: 0x40003
    Tag: 0xD11B4F5EC453B993
    Network disconnected.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

    Even …I’m having the same kinda of problem so for this, the problem I’m facing for this is that whenever I try to do the back-ups using the manually and the schedule back-ups it is not able to take the back-up. but it is able to take the monthly back-ups. As you are also having the same issue of the back-ups then I would like to know that are using the NAS to take the back-ups. Since I’m using the freeNAS for taking up the backups.

    One thing I have noticed is that the while taking the daily or the weekly back-ups it is necessary to connect with the monthly backups through which it detects which files or the items have been changed but as it does this it locks that particular file so that it can avoid data to get corrupted and so when insist to overwrite the file it fails.

    So for this to get rid of failure I disabled the oplocks but then too there is no changes and seems to have the same issue. So do anyone have the idea for this as how can I fix this issue.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

    If you both are getting the error of network disconnected than why don’t you take the help of the acronis support smart error reporting through this just insert the error you get and see what the report shows try according to the troubleshooting given.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

    I tried doing with this but I’m seeing that I’m not satisfied with help I got from the acronis. As they instructed me to delete all the archives and the back-ups from the server and uninstall the acronis completely and try re-installing the acronis again back on to the server.

    As no doubt it worked for the limited period of days but after a month it started giving me the same issue of unable to take the daily and the monthly back-ups. so for this I cannot uninstall again the acronis from the server and re-install it back.

    Is there any other method from where I can solve this issue. If anyone from have tried any other way then please do let me know for this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

    As earlier I had lot of problems for the same you are facing it now. As using the acronis for the back up storage it really had the issue of the lockup and had very poor performance. So for this I was very disappointed and wanted the solution which can fix it forever. So after searching all over I found out some of the solutions for this and after trying I was able to fix this issue.So those who are having issue of not able to take the backups then for them I suggest you to try the following and see whether you are still having the issue or it is resolved for doing this use the iSCSI-LUN and configure the NAS to export it, to be an iSCSI-Initiator try to use the windows node and after doing this all try to mount your drive. As doing these windows will see to that the locking and the permissions and also the NAS will be blocked. But make sure that before you do these see that initiator is disconnected before you reboot or reconfigure as failure of this can cause harm to your files or the datastorage.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

    As whatever you mentioned the steps are fine but one thing which I’m not able to get is about the last part “But make sure that before you do this see that initiator is disconnected before you reboot or reconfigure as failure of this can cause harm to your files or the data storage”.

    As the thing is that sometimes NAS software have to get the update and if someone unknowingly update the software and reboot it without mounting the drive then for this what have to do. As this is getting little complex to understand it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Unable to take Back-up as getting error Network Disconnected using the Acronis

    Those lines means that the while doing the normal operations see that if any of the client/ user have open the files then check that no one shut downs the NAS. As shutting down the NAS is similar to the disconnecting the drive while they are in operations. And try to do it if you are sure about this or avoid doing the same.

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