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Thread: Install IVF Pro 11.1.051 with Visual Studio Pro 2008 on Windows XP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Install IVF Pro 11.1.051 with Visual Studio Pro 2008 on Windows XP

    I have been trying to install IVF Pro 11.1.051 through Visual Studio Pro 2008 on top of Window XP Pro x64 version 2003 Service Pack 2. These are necessary intended for the employ of software bought from MSC Software Corp. named Easy5 edition 2010.1.2. Easy5 is manufacturing investigation software that does active simulation of fluid power systems. Whilst running Easy5 I obtain an error that MSC has attempted to troubleshoot except has move toward to the termination that the trouble lies by Studio otherwise IVF. I have attempted to frequently eliminate and install it, except it looks like that following we obtain a windows update short of. I actually may perhaps make use of a few suggestion otherwise aid.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Install IVF Pro 11.1.051 with Visual Studio Pro 2008 on Windows XP

    There is a modus operandi intended for un-installation that appears to work that is somewhat trouble-free to come across. I would think the Easy5 in view of the fact that I had a awful understanding through a partial installation of program. The free fraction gave an error on top of each startup and I don't recognize if the complete package had the trouble.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Install IVF Pro 11.1.051 with Visual Studio Pro 2008 on Windows XP

    Intel FORTRAN Make your software ready for multi-core multi-threading. The Intel Fortran compiler optimized and parallelized software automatically to achieve utmost performance on multi-core CPUs from Intel. The Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for Windows source code and command-line compatible with Compaq Visual Fortran. Contains the Windows version of the Intel Fortran compiler now Visual Studio 2008 Shell. This is for Windows is also available in combination with the IMSL mathematical library.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Install IVF Pro 11.1.051 with Visual Studio Pro 2008 on Windows XP

    Windows was working with Visual Studio with Intel Fortran Compiler used. So it was easy to tell which were the source code files and did everything itself. As for the Eclipse IDE installed but probably I still have not understood how to use it, but I think I can do the same things, or at least in part, that makes Visual Studio. Now put back the hands of Eclipse. More than anything, I have to figure out who needs to work with Eclipse using gFortrand or "understand" that there is such a compiler automatically?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Install IVF Pro 11.1.051 with Visual Studio Pro 2008 on Windows XP

    Visual Studio. NET is a Microsoft product. The Fortran compiler is manufactured by Intel. Therefore, in the rough installation Fortran to find anything of VS.NET. Visual Studio. NET provides only the IDE-based infrastructure available in the Intel Fortran support can mount. I am not versed in the field of Fortran, but the above According to information site called the compiler supports ANSI Fortran 95 Whether this support for column-oriented source code is included, I cannot say.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Install IVF Pro 11.1.051 with Visual Studio Pro 2008 on Windows XP

    I finally found a little doc on Intel Fortran so I could solve my problem. For those who have the same problem in the future, when you open a project consisting of C and FORTRAN, you must right click on the project explorer and click on "Extract items Compaq Visual Fortran." Then everything works much better. I think that you should also look into the same thing now.,

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