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Thread: Can I use old Seagate Manager backup software instead of Replica?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Can I use old Seagate Manager backup software instead of Replica?

    I just purchased Seagate 2TB GoFlex Desk hard drive in the last month. Then first few days Seagate Manager backup software on it for the image backup purpose. Then for something changing prospective I install replica backup software and then uninstall the Seagate manager software. I found that this is the best software backup purpose. I'm very happy using the older Seagate Manager. if Replica has to be installed, is there a way to use this Seagate manager software on this system. Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Can I use old Seagate Manager backup software instead of Replica?

    The Seagate Manager is the backup software provided on Seagate FreeAgent Family Drives. Its features are to be available in a Windows environment. Few of these features are Adjust Power Management, Scheduled Backup, Seagate Auto Software Update, and Backup/Restore of User Files/Folders, Drive Diagnostics, and Sync Seagate Folder Encryption. It is designed to backup user data files such as documents, music, photos, and videos. Then I also think that you need to use the Seagate manager instead of the replica.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Can I use old Seagate Manager backup software instead of Replica?

    Seagate’s Manager is the tool to assemble backup, synchronization, and encryption and make drive settings. It contains Simple Backup create a daily backup of your personal files at specific predefined time. This is the best if user wants to daily backup the system. You need to just use this and it will be helping you to solve the backup problem. Custom Backup is also present on this Seagate manager backup software.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Can I use old Seagate Manager backup software instead of Replica?

    This software also provides the security options. It means it contains the password, encryption type of security features. Once you set a password, you can correctly backup the data present on this system. encryption and decryption features of this software is also help to securely do this backup data on the system. Then use this software as per my opinion. This kind of facility not present on replica software. Hence Seagate manager backup software is the best for this task.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Can I use old Seagate Manager backup software instead of Replica?

    A replica is a copy that is relatively indistinguishable from the original. While the Seagate Manager software will provide backup and restore features to enable you to protect your data. The FreeAgent Go, Desk, and XTreme drives come initially formatted with the NTFS file system and this Seagate manager software will be not give any compatibility problem with this devices. I think this is the best software as compared to the replica. Replica is just the copy, whereas Seagate manager will provide the security features.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Can I use old Seagate Manager backup software instead of Replica?

    The Seagate Replica is designed for the beginner; it backs up the entire PC, including folder, applications, and system files. While the Seagate manger software is specially designed for the expert person who want to protect their data using the special kind of tools. This is the encryption, decryption and so on. Hence most of the user will be like this feature that will be help to securely backup the data present on the hard drive system.

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