Hello all, I hope someone will be able to help...
All of a sudden my Word 2010 started displaying hyperlinks within text like this:
... by immunohistochemical stains ({HYPERLINK \l "TAB_24_1"}). Some pituitary ...
instead of this:
... by immunohistochemical stains (Table 24-1). Some pituitary...
I also noted that with that I am not able to insert page numbers and/or footers. The page numbers do not change progressively. Instead all pages are numbered as page 1.
In the footer, where there should be the page number it inserts this instead:
All documents that have been created before with hyperlinks and page numbers and footers now open with the changes that I describe above...
Can some one shed light on what might have happened and whether anything can be done to fix it, please?
Thanks in advance