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Thread: Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

    Guys I need your help to create a Excel macro. I am working on a Excel sheet which is contains lots of information about different departments in a company. I am looking for a Excel Macro with help of which I can delete every rows from the Excel sheet except the rows which contains some specified values in the specified cell and those values I will enter whole running the script. For example in department column every department is having different code no. and suppose I want only 3,5,6,8,12,14,18 departments and others rows should be deleted. Please help I have to finish it as soon as possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

    Dude I am also looking for such Macro, I completely new to these things. I don’t know anything about VBA, this is my first time I to use it, please help us out. I had tried few things but things did not worked for me, I want to delete all the rows except some specified value in a column. I want to use the simple approach given in Excel macro, in which we have to highlight a cell’s value to keep that row and delete all other rows. I tried it I got the message box when I pasted the macro but the value, which I highlighted before running the macro, were not shown. And I clicked on OK in message box and got the error “Microsoft Visual Basic,error 400”.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

    Yes, I got it what you need exactly in you Excel Macro. I worked a lot on this and took lots of time to figure out what will be the code or answer and finally I have got the suitable Macro. Your task will be very simple you just have to highlight the column and then run this macro. And then there will be a message box where you have to the value which you want to keep. And let me tell you this macro will work for sheets with up to 25,000 rows.
    Sub DeleteRows() 
    Dim strToDelete As String 
    Dim rangSrc As Range 
    Dim NumOfRows As Integer 
    Dim ThisRow As Integer 
    Dim ThatRow As Integer 
    Dim ThisColumn As Integer 
    Dim J As Integer 
    Dim TotaNumOflDeletedRows As Integer 
    strToDelete = InputBox("Value to Trigger Keep, David????", "Delete Rows") 
    Set rangSrc = ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveWindow.Selection.Address) 
    NumOfRows = rangSrc.Rows.Count 
    ThisRow = rangSrc.Row 
    ThatRow = ThisRow + NumOfRows - 1 
    ThisColumn = rangSrc.Column 
    Dim topOfRows As Integer 
    Dim bottomOfRows As Integer 
    bottomOfRows = 25000 
    For J = ThisRow To NumOfRows Step 1 
    If Cells(J, ThisColumn) = strToDelete Then 
    topOfRows = J 
    Exit For 
    TotaNumOflDeletedRows = TotaNumOflDeletedRows + 1 
    End If 
    Next J 
    For J = (topOfRows + 1) To NumOfRows Step 1 
    If Cells(J, ThisColumn) <> strToDelete Then 
    bottomOfRows = J 
    Exit For 
    'TotaNumOflDeletedRows = TotaNumOflDeletedRows + 1 
    End If 
    Next J 
    If topOfRows <> 4 Then 
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(4, 1), Cells(topOfRows - 1, 52)).Select 
    Selection.delete Shift:=xlUp 
    End If 
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(bottomOfRows - topOfRows + 4, 1), Cells(30000, 52)).Select 
    Selection.delete Shift:=xlUp 
    'MsgBox "Total Number of deleted rows: " & TotaNumOflDeletedRows 
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

    I had solved similar kind of problem for somebody and I think the similar code will work for you. I have that Macro code you can check if it works for you. Best of luck
    Option Explicit
    'linearDeletion by Jacobs 04.04.2011
    ‘This Macro will enable you to delete not required rows and will give required rows only’
    Dim strToKeep       As String  'string that let us keep a row that contains it
    Dim strToCompare    As String  'string taken from a cell(x, y)
    Dim rangSrc          As Range   'field size to operate, search and delete
    Dim NumOfRows         As Long    'total number of selected rows to operate, search and delete
    Dim selectColumn          As Long    'sel[ected] column
    Dim selectRow           As Long    'sel[ected] row
    Dim compOut         As Integer 'com[pare] out - returns 0 in case of no match or >0 if there is a match
    Dim actRow          As Long    'act[ual] row - used temporary in For/Next loop
    Dim J               As Long    'for For/Next loop
    Dim NameOfSheet       As String  'keeps sheet's name (different languages have it under different name)
    Dim TotaNumOflDeletedRows     As Long    'just for an information how much rows were deleted
    Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
        Call linearOperation
    End Sub
    Private Sub linearOperation()
        strToKeep = InputBox("Write a (part of) string you want to keep as a whole row:", "Keep Rows")
        If strToKeep = "" Then Exit Sub 'nothing to compare so... exit
        'strToKeep = "your string" 'you may use it instead of InputBox window
        Set rangSrc = ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveWindow.Selection.Address) 'sets the field size
        NumOfRows = rangSrc.Rows.Count 'total number of selected rows
        selectColumn = rangSrc.Column      'selected column
        selectRow  = rangSrc.Row         'selected row
        NameOfSheet = ActiveSheet.Name 'reads active sheet's name
        TotaNumOflDeletedRows = 0 'have to start from the scratch
        actRow = selectRow  'actRow will change so we need to leave 'selectRow ' intact
        For J = selectRow  To NumOfRows
            strToCompare = Worksheets(NameOfSheet).Cells(actRow, selCol) 'reads a string from cell(x, y)
            compOut = InStr(1, strToCompare, strToKeep, vbTextCompare) 'makes comparison and gives its result
            If strToCompare = "" Then compOut = 1 'cell(x, y) is empty so lets fool it to not deleting
            If compOut = 0 Then                           'not found the string we are looking for so...
                Worksheets(NameOfSheet).Rows(actRow).Select '...selects actual row,...
                Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp              '...deletes it and shifts all rows up
                actRow = actRow - 1 'we have one row less so we need to mark this for strToCompare
                TotaNumOflDeletedRows = TotaNumOflDeletedRows + 1 'counts deleted rows
            End If
            actRow = actRow + 1 'comparison is done so we need to increase this array to give the correct number to strToCompare
        Next J
        MsgBox "Number of deleted rows: " & TotaNumOflDeletedRows
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

    I want to thank all of you for your suggestions and solutions, I didn’t expected that somebody will solve my problem just like that in few minutes. These forums are really very active. I had posted same problem on other forums too get solution but I didn’t get any reply yet on those forums. I tried only first solution and it worked for me and completed the task in no time, Thanks again for the help and now I will visit these forums to get help or to help others.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

    I am looking for a variation of this. I have a table of action items that are still open, and Amy Bob, and Charlie are on my team.

    When I run a report, the table shows the current asignee in column N. I need a macro that sorts according to column N and deletes everybody except Amy, Bob and Charlie.

    Item # Info Asignee
    1 info1 David
    2 info2 Bob
    3 info3 Amy
    4 info4 Charlie
    5 info5 Greg

    Item # Info Asignee
    3 info3 Amy
    2 info2 Bob
    4 info4 Charlie


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Looking for a Excel Macro to delete rows which doesn’t contain a value in particular cell

    Hi jarochnrol,

    You can try to use the below:
    Public Sub Tester03()
    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Columns("D"))

    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0

    End Sub

    Or use the built in autofilter feature.

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