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Thread: Getting error while moving my files with Windows Explorer in Windows 7

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Getting error while moving my files with Windows Explorer in Windows 7

    I bought a new laptop two weeks ago, then automatically under Windows 7. But it happens that whenever I open any folder and I'm starting to move in, it gives me away that Windows Explorer has stopped working. I think I tried everything at the settings in "Folder Options" and so on., Nothing helped, and my brand new pc is almost unusable in some respects. So in desperation, I turn to you and thank you for your invaluable help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Getting error while moving my files with Windows Explorer in Windows 7

    This is not because it is new; it is necessarily free of defects! It would be nice too! Moreover, since it was preinstalled, it's up to them to ensure proper functioning of the operating system! And finally, remember that the pre-installation of "windows 7" is primarily a matter of marketing! "They" do not care about that "Windows 7" is most appropriate (what I think given my experience over the past four months (but not on laptops)), the only thing "the" interest is for sale! To avoid such problems, choose the "retailers" with whom you have contacts "human" and to whom you can more easily get help and advice. If you've purchased for your unhappiness, your "portable" garden at the corner store under a Christmas tree, this may drag somewhat not sure yet as they have left of "stocks". Just a "grain of sand" to stop the machine a few times!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Getting error while moving my files with Windows Explorer in Windows 7

    Hello to you all, many thanks to you are interested in my problem. In fact, I identified the problem as soon as I started using the pc. There was only preinstalled software like norton etc. above. Fortunately I bought, so hopefully it will do something if I can find no other solution by then. But would you know the time to change this type of equipment to operate without the guarantee? Because I paid a guarantee of 8000 rs in three to nine years would be a scam if I had to use it after three weeks! But it seems that I am not alone in confronting this problem. And how and where to find a PC today that is Windows 7? There is nothing to do but suffer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Getting error while moving my files with Windows Explorer in Windows 7

    I am also going through this issue. You have, indeed, reason, and I agree that Microsoft is not responsible for this deplorable situation. I would not change the OS, it will just have to know why I cannot hope to enjoy my brand new machine, I paid a fortune, why, even after rebooting in clean, windows explorer automatically blocks that arrive on a word document, html, pdf and so on. I realize that I do better than which is explain, I must ensure above all that I may not really need their explanation for informational purposes only. And that, for example, I am pretty sure that it will rise to the height. Your point of view is perfectly fair, do not make others pay the consequences of his actions. And the only thing I blame myself in this story is not having time to notice the problem, not having understood in time that was a problem. Everything would be so simple! But still.

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