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Thread: Software Displaying Size of the Files That Are Present In Server 2003

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Software Displaying Size of the Files That Are Present In Server 2003

    Hey everyone Hi I am using the server which is running the Windows 2003 R2 that is having the Service Pack 2. Also the main problem is that I am running out of the space in my computer and I have done a system partition of 12 GB which is not so big. The server which I am suing is running the Sage, MS SQL and Yosemite backup software and also I am using single-office, single Domain environment that are used by about 10 of my users. I just wanted to know that which software is using the disk-space in my computer and also wanted the recommendations of the software that will show me this. Please help me out of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Software Displaying Size of the Files That Are Present In Server 2003

    Until now no such software has been discovered but you can keep the backup of all the files that are currently present in your system and keep a check on the files so that ant addition is being done inside it or not. Keep the back-up files in a place where the software are not present so that the files that are getting filled can be checked out. You got to do it manually and see whether such problem is still prevailing or not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Software Displaying Size of the Files That Are Present In Server 2003

    Also if your not preferring the above procedure then you can try out by using some of the software that are called the tree size that can be helped to get the views of the files and folders that are all present on the box and then next time you got to run out of the space and again you have to check it with the extra space that is left. And also keep the track of the files that your keeping in the partition so that it wont cause you any further problems.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Software Displaying Size of the Files That Are Present In Server 2003

    The Asumptions can be made that files that you are using of the SQL can be used for the moving of the files directories to a different drive that is present in the computer. The files are present in the given below space that is given down c:\program files\MS SQL server\mssql. In this you get the details of the file date and the version that your using. You should also see by removing SQL and then performing the task of re-installing, and then setting of the programs that is designated to the directory to a different drive, like it can be in the D-Drive.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Software Displaying Size of the Files That Are Present In Server 2003

    And the disk space that you have specified that is 12GB can also be the issue with your computer. Also this issue, there is not a lot that you can do about that, you can also try out with various partitions that provide you with various device manager that will help you out to specify you with the size of the software that are present in it.

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