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Thread: Outlook 2007 error "The file C: \ Documents and Settings .... \ Outlook \ Archive.pst 'can not be accessed. It is used by another process ...."

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Outlook 2007 error "The file C: \ Documents and Settings .... \ Outlook \ Archive.pst 'can not be accessed. It is used by another process ...."

    I am new to this forum, so not having enough ideas about this forum. I think that I have posted in correct section. I would like to share the problem that I am facing from last week. Since last week, I am looking at Outlook 2007, there are no e-mails (no access to archive folder) - it always shows the error message: The folder can not be displayed. The file C: \ Documents and Settings .... \ Outlook \ Archive.pst 'can not be accessed. It is used by another process ....' The pst file is located correctly in the folder. What can be done? I am not able to understand why this problem is arising?! Also unluckily I am not having the backup of it. So can anyone hanging out there can help me in resolving this issue.? I am expecting some help as soon as possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Outlook 2007 error "The file C: \ Documents and Settings .... \ Outlook \ Archive.pst 'can not be accessed. It is used by another process ...."

    Try the following steps:
    1. Close all Office programs
    2. Go to My Computer-> Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Hidden Files & Folders - Files and> click on Apply All
    3. Now you go to (please do not use the Windows Explorer):
      C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office12 \ scanpst.exe
    4. Go browse and select the file Outlook. The file should be in the following folder: C: \ Documents and Settings \ Test \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook \ archiv.pst
    5. Now go to your start and lead Scanpst on, repeat the process until no errors are displayed.
    6. Now start Outlook and test the behavior.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Outlook 2007 error "The file C: \ Documents and Settings .... \ Outlook \ Archive.pst 'can not be accessed. It is used by another process ...."

    Depending on the size of the file and the speed of your computer, such a repair process can take some time to complete. An exact specification I can not give you so. It takes as long as it lasts. Please do not interrupt the repair, since you are so run the risk of damage to the file. If the first scan was run, you check the file one more time. It is best until you Scanpst writes "There are no errors in the data file." I myself have never experienced that crashes the program. Just have a little patience. If you have any further questions we would help you much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Outlook 2007 error "The file C: \ Documents and Settings .... \ Outlook \ Archive.pst 'can not be accessed. It is used by another process ...."

    Thanks for the feedback. So, now becomes more complicated: the scanpst.exe I was looking for. I found them. If I then C: \ Documents and Settings \ Test \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook \ "on" Search go and search for the file "archive" search is there even one that is however running SCANPST at .exe not recognized as a pst file. The file is named just "archive" and has no ending. Then I went through the search function in Explorer. Here, I then "after *." pst files searched and found several identical. including a C: \ Documents and Settings \ Test \ My Documents \ Outlook. The states then "Personal Folder" and is more than 3 times as great as "archive" from C: \ Documents and Settings \ Test \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Outlook \. I have the Scanpst.exe started as he was then only Personal Folders "recognized". (But I do not know why there is the pst file?!). Scanpst.exe found errors and then I clicked "Repair" button. Now he has 20 minutes or has hanged himself?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Hyperlinks in Outlook 2007 do not work anymore

    For several days I can use in email messages no longer links. I get the general message: "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions on this computer Please contact your system administrator.." My operating system is Windows 7 64-bit. I have-at least not knowingly-nothing changed on the system. It was only installed an automatic update. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this issue. Since, this thread was similar I thought to post here instead of making new thread. Also after searching on this forum (and google also), I have not found an appropriate solutions. So this time I am expecting that I would get some better solutions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Hyperlinks in Outlook 2007 do not work anymore

    We must now assignments for hyperlinks manually in the registry of Windows Change.
    1. To do this press on the keyboard Windows key + R (start - execute Page).
    2. Now enter "regedit" in the command line, you press OK (without quotes)
    3. Open now the first key (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
    4. Now navigate to the key. Here, a reference registration been created to be another one, this was the "Google Chrome" is replaced by.
    5. Navigate back to the keys. Htm, on the right click Default. Enter now the value "html file". (Without quotes)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Outlook 2007 error "The file C: \ Documents and Settings .... \ Outlook \ Archive.pst 'can not be accessed. It is used by another process ...."

    I recently had problems with Word 2003. After scanning of texts and the subsequent processing of the editing tools "Microsoft Office Document Imaging" was too much delayed processing and storage times. I resolved the problem in which I deleted Office and re-installed. After re-installing all the contact information in Outlook were present. And the Word problem was solved. However, since I have a new C-drive installed, I have with the security level of the contact information (e-mail addresses) try me. Then they were gone. And so I repeated the deletion and re-installation of Office in the hope of getting my data back. Now there was a complex error. The above described and with the choice of address data that is reported here to me that either deleted or moved or the contact I have no access. I'm going but in the Outlook in the Address box, type a letter, then a box opens with all mail addresses that begin with that letter ben. M is a computer network is not involved in, and I have user account and set up a guest account. These accounts but I have made no changes. I hope to have sufficient ch describes the error.

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