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Thread: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    I have a dual Western Digital portable hard drives attached up to a computer system which is running the Windows 7 operating system.The problem is that when both the hard drives are attached with the Windows 7 will not work properly and hanging resulting in the black screen on the computer. So, please provide a solution to overcome these issue ant suggestion will be helpful for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    To overcome these problem some information is needed first such as when the hard drive was manufactured and what is the model. Other than these try connecting the hard drives to your computers after booting the windows 7 these will allow you to attach the hard rive in a different way, so provide the details about the hard drive these will make the work easier for me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    As you have mentioned that you want to know the make and model of the hard drive it is a Western Digital model WDBAAF0020HBK external USB hard drive. These hard drive was made in the year 2005 and it was working properly since then.So, please now provide me a method to overcome the issue and also tell me that should i go for the new hard drive or not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    There may be a problem in the hard drive as you have mentioned that it is a dual hard drive then the system might be booting the Windows 7 from either of the hard drive and that's why there is a deadlock scenario. So, first you have to see that in which drive you have installed it and make it the primary hard drive to boot the windows 7 operating system.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    Many a time there are a number of issue in the hard drive and in the files of operating system, for the solution you have to trouble shoot it by try linking the identical exterior hard drive to another computer which has windows 7 in it and confirm if you are able to boot without any issues and there is another way of doing these as there is change in boot order/precedence. Check that had distorted the boot priority to boot in to the internal hard drive on which windows in installed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    These issue can be resolved by modify BIOS/harmonizing metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) settings incorrectly can cause serious problems that may avert your computer from booting appropriately. Microsoft cannot agreement that any problems consequential from the configuring of BIOS/CMOS settings can be solved. Modification of the settings is at your own jeopardy; these will resolve your problem of the hard drive in a proper manner.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    If you are suffering from constant break down of the hard drive then the best solution for that is you contact the manufacturer of the hard drive that is Western Digital or you can contact the service center of WD for further queries. If then too the problem exists then there may be a problem in the operating system, in these case you have to reboot your Windows 7 OS to fix the issue of the eternal hard drives.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Windows 7 won't boot with external Western Digital hard drives

    There are chances that the hard drive that you have connected with the PC is totally affected by the virus. In such chances you have to first scan the external hard drive with an anti-virus on other system which is totally virus proofed. After the scan of the virus you have to connect the hard drive in to the system and see the effect, if then too the problem exists then you have to contact the support desk of the WD.
    "Me fail English!? That unpossible!"

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