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Thread: Windows 7 search doesn't work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Windows 7 search doesn't work

    Hi guys ! May be you are thinking that I am asking about the foolish question here but believe on me, I am really in trouble to search the specified things. I wanted to organize the searching but when i move for the search operation, the search box denied to work. When I type for instance 'notepad' it just searches out the folder where program indicates as 'Programs' and doesn't search the notepad exe.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Windows 7 search doesn't work

    Are you getting such type of problem always with you , or is it recently occurred issue ? If so, did you commit any changes prior to this problem ?
    You may need to go for the verification that search is turned on. Click on the Start button and then choose the Control Panel from list of programs , click on the Programs, and then click Turn Windows features on or off. If the system requires to enter the administrator password or such type of confirmation, then you have to type the password or provide verification .

    After that you need to turn on the Windows feature , choose the check box next to the feature (in this situation Windows Search). Click on the ok button to save the changes .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows 7 search doesn't work

    If you are suffering with the issues of locating particular files, folders, or some different components onto your system, try working with the Search and Indexing troubleshooter to resolve the issue . It makes sure that the Windows Search service activated to be work properly , and checks to find out whether you have the absolute and valid permissions to search entire directories on your system .

    Just be sure that you have the most up-to-date troubleshooters from the Windows Online Troubleshooting Service, your system must be connected with the Internet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows 7 search doesn't work

    This problem can be occurred if an invalid registry key for the Start Menu grouping values gets issued with the below suggested registry key :


    The invalid registry value is the GroupBy value, the invalid value is probably supposed as the “System.Null” but can be shown as different values. The correct the proper value must be “System.StartMenu.Group”..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows 7 search doesn't work

    Yeah that's right lorenz, To open up and remove the registry key , you have to go through the steps suggested:

    1. Click onto the Start menu from the desktop.

    2. From the Search programs and files box, type the regedit

    3. From the Programs listed, click onto the regedit.exe

    If you are required for the administrator password , type the actual password or click on the Continue button .

    4. Open this up and click to choose the registry subkey:

    5. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{ef87b4cb-f2ce-4785-8658-4ca6c63e38c6}

    6. From the left side of the window, make a right-click GroupBy and click Modify

    7. Modify the value with the System.StartMenu.Group and then click on OK button to save the changes , then exit from the registry editor

    You will have to restart your system for this change to take effect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Windows 7 search doesn't work

    I am running with the same problem. I have unknown about the Windows Search to go ahead on any version of windows that I am running with .Right now, on Windows 7, and behold, it does not search anything either. I would suggest you to perform the installation of some third party utility for any type of searching. I am not much sure why MS actually running with a "Search tool" which does not go for finding this ! According to me , having to edit the registry to cobble the applicable thing together to almost work is not a fix either.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Windows 7 search doesn't work

    I have saved near about 100 Word files with the word "letter" within the file name of My Documents. And Search is getting unable to find a one of the instance of "letter" on my entire drive!!

    Since the Vista beta (currently I am working with the Windows 7 ), search has been disabled . It is unable to find anything . I have configured the same to index my all of the drive and it is getting unable to find the file regarding the name specified .It is really seems annoying for me ?

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