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Thread: Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

    Hello everyone,
    I have recently started with the CINEMA 4D, so you can consider me as novice in this topic. I want to know about the Turbulence 4D that is used for the cinema of 4D. Hope that some members over there should be knowing about it.!! I am expecting some help from your side as soon as possible. It would be appreciable if you provide some additional information about the topic.!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

    TURBULENCE 4D CINEMA 4D is the realistic simulation of fluid for CINEMA 4D. This is developed by integrating methods of fluid simulation in computer graphics the most realistic and effective, TURBULENCE 4D can also create animations and impressive natural smoke, gas flows and other phenomena. To integrate and manage dynamic fluid directly into After Effects. Many video input channels allow extreme flexibility in the creation of fire, smoke, not to mention a huge variety of real organic effects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

    The secrets of creating graphics and animation of the game for iPhone ThumStruck by Troyan Turner 3D computer graphics seem very obscure. Launched in December by RESOLUTE Games, music and rhythm game has been compared to Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Tap Tap Revenge, Tapulous game for iPhone. T. Turner, co-owner and creative director at The Dance Studio of special effects and 3D animation in Memphis, Tennessee, was chosen by RESOLUTE: This company, located in the same state, looking for a partner in the region and then found Turner's profile on professional network LinkedIn.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

    Turbulence Is a fluid simulation for computer graphics simulation system. It is currently Under development, intended for public Beta testing available as a plug-in for CINEMA 4D. There are also plugin for TURBULENCE for CINEMA 4D. This plugin IS still in it's Beta Stage. Many features are still missing, it 'may be unstable and slow the Results May Have gold artifacts.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

    The approach chosen by Turner for the creation of the bar of molten material was similar to that used to create the bar of ice, with one important difference: the shaders were lively noise so that they evolve over time . "It was enough to use a spline and place it right on an object before metaball into metaballs with a particle emitter that started small spheres," says Turner. So that the particles have an aspect of molten metal dripping, Turner was parameterized so they recede slowly from the bar until they reach a generator which then accelerates their movement.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

    The Turbulence 4D preclude real-time 3D could become a serious option if you could mix with a traditional workflow C4D :
    • Export a proxy decor and camera movement to the 3D engine.
    • To 'play' simulations on said scene.
    • Save the full screen rendering (with alpha channels if necessary) and / or exporting animated mesh to C4D.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Turbulence 4D for CINEMA 4D

    The core application contains everything you need to create 3D images and animations of high quality. For those artists whose work demands more than that offered by the basic application, MAXON provides several modules that are fully integrated into the kernel. In addition the modules can be purchased individually or in packages productive. For specific industries such as architecture or engineering, MAXON also offers Editions that contain special features. The following are Requirements :
    • Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support
    • Mac OS X 10.4 or higher running on PowerPC G5 or Intel-Mac
    • 1024 MB RAM,
    • DVD ROM drive
    • Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 pixels or higher

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