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Thread: 3DBuzz or CG Academy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    3DBuzz or CG Academy?

    I need the comparison between 3DBuzz Product and the CG Academy. Normally the CG Academy training comprises of large series of modeling/lighting/texturing/etc DVD's.

    3dbuzz is having 110+ hours training and CG Academy is having 123+ hours of training. But I find CG Academy’s videos very boring and comprises of hard core technical stuff, but if the job can be complete using this I will surely for it. So what the others have to say about this topic.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: 3DBuzz or CG Academy?

    In my honest opinion Both are good, what I like about CG Academy is that they teach you what you need for the production purpose and go straight to the point, and I know that they are very technical but I really like that.
    Again just my little opinion the rest of all depends on you what want to choose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: 3DBuzz or CG Academy?

    3dBuzz covers a lot of DVDs, a lot of things and the great view is that everything is based on projects, and you will be able to apply what you have learn immediately to a project. What I did not like is that they take so much time for explaining something that can be explained in just four or five minutes. They try to be funny, but sometimes it misfires, if you go for that then you will waste too much time just for learning simple thing, but I must appreciate the contents the contents are awesome.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: 3DBuzz or CG Academy?

    I do not think that getting really technical to be a bad thing, though. It just seems boring.
    Would you consider time and money investment for it is worth or not?
    Let me elaborate. Saying that I went through each modeling video they offered, I come off as someone with an understanding of how to model relatively-well what I want to model?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: 3DBuzz or CG Academy?

    I have only seen 6 CG Academy DVD's, but the place I used to work two years ago bought them, not me.

    I bought 3dBuzz DVD’s not that I think is the best, but for the price it was more reasonable for me at the moment that is something around $ 99 and it is completely worth it. I really liked the project, the F-14 project was very fun one can learned a lot of tricks in there. If you have a limited budget so you can go to 3dBuzz DVDs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 3DBuzz or CG Academy?

    In 3dBuzz DVD the first project is very basic, some boxes of bottles and bullets block scene. The second project starts right into the modeling; they explain everything to model with polygons, theory and more. I think after this project you can start to model the hard surfaces on your own. The third character is more organic, but not too sophisticated here, I think starting in organic modeling you need more theory about it. I feel I can model hard surface easier to organic, but I do not like modeling too much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 3DBuzz or CG Academy?

    If you are talking about the modeling that is boring, but I uses all CG Academy stuff cool, In my opinion the 3D Buzz products are not that good. I have bought the 3D Buzz DVD when it initially came out at around $250 but soon after that they dropped the price to $99, and since there wasn't an overwhelming response, it seems they have somewhat drifted away from Max material for a while. Finally CG Academy products are little bit costly but provides you the best information that you need to know.

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