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Thread: VMware that is good and supports 3D

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    VMware that is good and supports 3D

    Hi everyone,
    I have already more than once, probably like many, tried to run games on vmware (always more convenient than dual booting), but without success, again because of problems of video memory, and acceleration 3D graphics. So please tell me about VMware that is good and supports 3D. Also tell me are there any disadvantages of the virtual desktop.?? Expecting some replies from your side as soon as possible.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: VMware that is good and supports 3D

    VMware Workstation 7.0 - The program is designed for workstations, enables a computer to emulate a working environment independent of the operating system and work with him as with the conventional system. With this method you can install different operating systems and applications for them, go online and participate in daily tasks, but with somewhat slower speeds. The advantage of this method is the possibility of testing several programs on different operating systems, without adversely affecting the damage the current system, installed on my primary computer, as well as some test hardware solutions. It can make life easier for application developers with the platform significantly Cruz and lovers to work with the new operating system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: VMware that is good and supports 3D

    To enable a virtual machine for accelerated 3-D, follow the steps mentioned below :
    1. Choose a virtual machine with Windows XP guest operating system.
    2. Add the FOLLOWING to the configuration (. Vmx) file for the virtual machine :
      • mks.enable3d = TRUE
      This line Enables Accelerated 3-D on the host. It IS required to support accelerated 3-D in the guest and host Also Enable the 2-D to Accelerate the guest portion of Display.
    3. You May Also add one or Both of the optional lines FOLLOWING :
      • svga.vramSize = 67108864
      • vmmouse.present = FALSE
      These lines Increase the Amount of VRAM on the virtual display card to 64 MB and disables the absolute pointing device in the guest respectively.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: VMware that is good and supports 3D

    You added the lines to your <virtualmachine> FOLLOWING. Vmx file :
    • mks.enable3d = "TRUE"
    • svga.vramSize = "67108864" (or "134217728")

    As soon as you start the VM you get error Saying year the 3d acceleration Can not Be Used Because of a problem with :
    Reason: unknown (only Nvidia May Know the Answer)
    Source: VMware opens the 32-bit TLS library (instead of the 64-bit one) ... and here Seems to Be a catch.
    Open a terminal and type :
    Sudo mv / usr/lib32/tls/ <version> / Usr/lib32/tls/ <version>. Backup
    Sudo cp / usr/lib32/ <version> / Usr/lib32/tls

    That's it ... exit the terminal, fire up VMware, start the VM ... the "error" should be gone and 3d acceleration Should Be available.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Disadvantages of the virtual desktop

    The following are disadvantages of the virtual desktop :
    Cost - There are certainly companies that have saved money by adopting desktop virtualization, but most do not see any ROI for at least a few years, if ever, analysts say. IT professionals, when they try to convince the administration should not use cost as the main selling point, according to analyst firm Forrester Research published results last year. VDI projects usually require investment in thin clients, and improvements to infrastructure and network storage, which can become an expensive project on the front end. On the other hand, virtualizing desktops can greatly extend the life of the client devices, including regular desktop PC, reducing long-term costs.
    Storage - Move desktop images and associated data from user devices to data center creates more stress in centralized storage systems, particularly if a project is not sufficiently planned. A "massive influx of data that was stored on local machines ... now need to be centrally stored and managed" because of the desktop virtualization.
    Network - For workers who need streaming video and 3D graphics rendering, "these requirements network can scale to hundreds of megabits and it is generally not discussed. The network upgrades may be necessary before implementing VDI. Communications Cox updated its dual core switches, the IDF closet team and 1 Gigabit uplink before adopting VDI.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: VMware that is good and supports 3D

    For those tired of listening to users of Linux on the qualities of Beryl, it was time for those using Windows to enjoy the same features with 3D. 3D Yad'm provides Windows user the ability to distribute the programs we use, including 4 virtual desktops, each represented as the side of a cube that rotates. Should be clear that is not the same as having a system with XGL installed, and that it is far from being on par with that system, but it is interesting to test a component. The management of desktops is done via the keyboard, you can configure the need to press keys, or let it default to Ctrl + Shift + right or left to switch desktops, up or down to zoom into the bucket. Will require Windows XP or Windows Vista , and at least DirectX 9.
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