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Thread: How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center?

    I am using the Windows 7 operating system which come up with the Media center and i like to use. I am having an issue with the Media center. I need to know How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center? so that i can prevent children of mine to use the media center with adult content. So if there is any way then help me with the same. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center?

    If you need to set up the parental control to the Media center then let me tell you that there is an in built parental control is there which will set up the same for your Windows 7 Media Center. Just go to the task and then to the setting and in the General click on the parental control. Now enter the blocking code for the same and then you will be asked for the content to block the same. I hope you like this. Thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center?

    To set up the Parental control in the Windows 7 Media Center you have to go through the steps that i have given you to work with the same. If you like it then say thanks.
    • Start the Media Center
    • Scroll to task
    • Then click on Setting
    • Now go to the General Menu
    • Click on Parental Control
    • Select the Program which you want to set for parental control
    • Enter the Code for accessing.

    Thats it!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center?

    When you turn on Parental Controls, only TV and movie content that does not exceed the maximum allowed rating can be viewed. Not all TV and movie content is rated, so you can also configure Parental Controls to block unrated content. When you turn on Parental Controls, you specify an access code that you can then use later to access restricted content or to change parental control settings. It is recommended that you write the code down for future reference.
    1. On the start screen, scroll to Tasks, click settings, click General, and then click Parental Controls.
    2. You will be prompted to enter a 4-digit number to set your code.
    3. Do one of the following:
    4. To set Parental Controls for TV programs, click TV Ratings, and then click Turn on TV blocking.
    5. You can set maximum allowed TV ratings that include blocking all rated programs, programs for a general audience, programs requiring parental guidance, and programs intended for adults.
    6. (Optional) Click Block unrated TV programs to restrict content that is not rated.
    7. You can also click Advanced if you want to adjust the ratings settings for more control. In Advanced TV Ratings, there are five areas that you can set ratings for: fantasy violence, suggestive language, offensive language, sexual content, and violence.
    8. To set parental controls for DVDs and movies, click Movie/DVD Ratings, and then click Turn on movie blocking.
    9. You can also click Block unrated movies to restrict content that is not rated, as well as specify the Maximum allowed movie rating.
    10. Click Save to save your changes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center?

    Hey thanks for all your help regarding the set up of the parental control on the Windows 7 Media center. By going through all your step i find this very easy and achieved the parental control on the same. But if in case i need to reset the parental control in future then how will i do the same. If you know about it then let me know about it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center?

    To reset the parental control on your media center you have to follow the same way as you are following in the for the set up of it. Just scroll down to the task and then to the setting and after that to the General menu. Now click on parental control and then enter the access code on the same. After that click on the Reset the Parental control and click on yes and you are done.

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