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Thread: Running windows media player 64 bit on vista

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Running windows media player 64 bit on vista

    First thing I want to know how to test the ram in the computer. I have a windows vista where I had introduces a new ram. An I want to test that before using that. The second thing I want to do is running a 64bit version of windows media player in vista. How to do that. Does this administrator access. If yes the how to get the administrator rights accounts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Running windows media player 64 bit on vista

    It is all the time a best or better idea to test your memory sporadically, specially if you have only just installed Vista, or if you are reading this article because you are having presentation or permanence issues with the operating system. Providentially, Vista has a built in memory testing submission which will do the job moderately well. You will have to restart and leave the computer system alone for 30 minutes or so though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Running windows media player 64 bit on vista

    Windows Vista x64 users may desire to take one supplementary step because the 64-bit Windows Vista evasions to the 32-bit version or description of Windows Media Player 11 to guarantee broad file and media compatibility. To identify the 64-bit version or description of Windows Media Player 11 as the evasion WMP player for 64-bit Vista, you necessitate to redirect a few program shortcuts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Running windows media player 64 bit on vista

    The 32-bit WMP11 program is situated in the /ProgramFiles(x86)/' folder, at the same time as the native 64-bit version or description of WMP11 is situated in the /ProgramFiles/' folder. To set your Vista x64 operating system to evasion to the 64-bit version or description of Windows Media Player 11: Go to Start (the Vista icon in the lower left corner) > and use one of the following controls (without quotes). To set 64-bit WMP11 as evasion player type, unregmp2.exe /SwapTo:64.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Running windows media player 64 bit on vista

    If you desire to relapse to 32-bit WMP11 as the evasion player type, unregmp2.exe /SwapTo:32. From now on in Windows Vista x64 you will mechanically be capable to watch DVDs on the 64-bit version or description of Windows Media player 11. On the off modify the Swap To command does not work, there is a additional To update Vista, just open the 'start' menu and type 'update' in the search bar.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Running windows media player 64 bit on vista

    Microsoft had supplemented a second layer of sanctuary to Windows Vista by ensuring that customary user accounts do not have full managerial privileges. This helps to prevent the OS by ensuring that users cannot simply modify some system settings but it also serves to irritate users who desire to simply modify some system settings.

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