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Thread: Software to remove a portion of some video

  1. #1
    chesss Guest

    Software to remove a portion of some video

    there is a video of 2 people dancing, one guy and a girl. the guy is dancing on the right side . i want to remove him from the clip. i.e cut out the right portion of the clip from the video. The objective is to have a video with a smaller width with only the girl in it.

    which software can be used to do this ?

    Using sony vegas i can hide the right portion of the video, with a black bar. but that doesn't remove the portion. how can this be done ?

    suggest something please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Software to remove a portion of some video

    I dont know any software by which you are able to edit the video in the way you want it to be. If you find any software which does what you require then please suggest the software to me as it would be very useful for me to. If you just want to edit the video like cutting its length etc then there are many software available which you can use.

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