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Thread: Resume crash Aero in Windows Vista

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Resume crash Aero in Windows Vista

    My Windows Aero is not working properly. I have Windows Vista computer with some desktop customization software in it. The same is not working fine. I had found this last night. Second this how to resume it back again. Is there a tweak to change or edit the shutdown button of Windows Vista. If yes then how. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Resume crash Aero in Windows Vista

    When you want to turn off his computer, it is necessary to go through the menu Stop the computer (or logoff) is composed of three icons: Standby, Turn Off and Restart. To make these changes, we will modify the file msgina.dll present in the Windows System32 directory. For this, we will use the program Resource Hacker.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Resume crash Aero in Windows Vista

    The Vista bootscreen looks like this one found on Windows XP: a simple black screen with a little progress bar moving downwards. If you want a little change to this level, it is very simple to replace the splash screen without having to install any software. Go to Start and type msconfig in the search field and then confirm. In the System Configuration Utility, select the Startup tab and then select the Do not start the GUI. Then click the OK button. You will be prompted to restart your computer. Accept.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Resume crash Aero in Windows Vista

    On Windows Vista, it may happen that some software poses some compatibility problems with Aero. It follows that the Aero interface is cut partially or even completely. Most of the time, Aero restarts once the application is closed, but unfortunately not always the case. This happens in a rare case. Better disable your theme to avoid this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Resume crash Aero in Windows Vista

    To run Aero again first thing you can do is change the theme. Right click an empty spot on your desktop, then click on Customize color and appearance of windows. Then click Open classic appearance properties for more color options. Then check that Aero is selected in the color scheme. If it is not, activate it by selecting it and clicking the Apply button.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Resume crash Aero in Windows Vista

    The other way of running it back agian is by restarting the DWM. Click the Windows button and in the search field, type services.msc and click OK. In services, search Desktop Window Manager Session Manager and click the button to restart. Aero appears again. If manipulation does not work, check the themes in Vista. f Aero still shines by its absence, it is necessary to do a little checking display properties in the advanced options display. Then choose the display options and non-optimal performance maximum. Thus, Aero should reappear

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