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Thread: How to add List in microsoft excel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    How to add List in microsoft excel

    Hi friends,

    I have some query regarding the Microsoft excel. I have one excel file in which I wand to add the list. The can be of any time may be simple list or dropdown list.
    I don't have any idea about this excel operation. Is anyone knows hows to add the list in excel ? I am waiting for your suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to add the list in excel?

    Hello friend,

    If you want add the list in excel then do the following steps:
    • First choose any cell from excel sheet.
    • Then select the "Choose List" and then select the "Create List from the menu" option to create the "List dialog box".
    • Then you need to add the range for the list box.
    • Then finally click on the "OK" button.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to add the list in excel?


    Initially select the excel cell for which you want to add the list, and then do the below things:
    *. Click on the "Data" from the menu bar.
    *. Then find the "Validation " option.
    *. After that you need to select the setting of the validation.
    *. Then will see the check box known as "Allow: List", you need to check this check box.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: How to add List in microsoft excel


    If you want convert the table value into the list format in Microsoft excel , you can use the create list option of the excel. First you will need to select the data which you want to convert into the List. Then select the create list option from the list option. You will also get the option to specify the maximum elements for the list. The list range is the option part in the creation of the list. Try this steps and let me know id you are able to create the list in excel or not.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to add List in microsoft excel


    I have tried to add the list in the Microsoft excel. It is not very easy task as it seems. First you just need o make the cell selection in the excel sheet . Then Data option from the menu bar. When you click on the data menu you will see the " validation option" in it's menu list. Select this option, then you will get the option for adding the list. You can define the maximum elements for the list. I hope this may help you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: How to add List in microsoft excel

    Hi Friends,

    As per your suggestion I did the same procedure as mentioned above. And I successfully added the list in the Microsoft excel. First I selected the excel cell, then I adjusted its properties from the "data" menu from the main menu bar. I also get the option to add the drop down list in the Microsoft excel.
    Thank lot to all your help!!!!

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