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Thread: BlackBerry Desktop Manager backup issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    BlackBerry Desktop Manager backup issue

    I'm having a BlackBerry phone. I had installed Desktop manager software on my BlackBerry phone, in order to backup my phone data. Now the problem is that when i used Desktop manager on my BlackBerry phone in order to backup my data it gives out an error message saying "error backing up data." Until that point, it says "transferring process" and it appears all is transferring fine. So, can any one tell me that why i'm facing BlackBerry Desktop Manager backup issue? Any one has any idea about it? Please help me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: BlackBerry Desktop Manager backup issue

    BlackBerry Desktop Software for PC provides an integrated group of applications that coordinates the link between your BlackBerry smartphone, personal and enterprise email accounts, calendars and more. I used the custom backup one and did not backup the part where the full backup process terminated. Then i had upgraded from Desktop Manager 4.5 to Desktop Manager 4.6 and am now able to perform a backup.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: BlackBerry Desktop Manager backup issue

    Does the backup state that it is completed? If it does, there is a data file somewhere. Use the Advanced feature, select all databases except the one causing the failure (probably profiles). Then, in the left hand pane after the databases transfer over, Save it. I deleted the browser cache data and the backup finally worked.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: BlackBerry Desktop Manager backup issue

    Seems like Desktop Manager cannot be used to activate or backup/restore a device if the device has not yet been activated on that BES for the user logged in to the Web Desktop Manager.Your best option is to open Blackberry Desktop Manager --> Select Backup and Restore --> Select Advanced --> Select "Profiles" in the right window --> Select Clear at the bottom of the right window (ensure only profiles is selected first) --> Exit out of the Advanced menu --> Perform a backup.

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