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Thread: Change directory when burning a CD on Itunes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Change directory when burning a CD on Itunes

    I want to burn a CD album bought through iTunes/Istore. The problem is that the C: partition has not more than 400 MB of free space. Apparently iTunes requires a temporary directory C to prepare the CD image and obviously there is not enough space on C:. How to set the directory where this file will create the CD?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Change directory when burning a CD on Itunes

    You have no other choice:

    1. Either enlarge C: partition
    2. Or do some cleaning in C: (like launching "Disk Cleanup" utility or manually clear the Internet cache and temp)
    3. If using Windows Vista/7, move the cache "burn" to another partition (C:\Users\Your Account\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn) by editing the properties of this cache, then tab "location" .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Change directory when burning a CD on Itunes

    The basic principle when it comes to reinstall Windows, is to have a partition with only one or more window and other partitions containing datas and other installed program. But the problem is of increasing size gradually occupied by new patches and service pack. I'm here using FAT32.

    Anyway, in short, this is not the subject, the subject being able to specify another directory for burning through Itunes

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Change directory when burning a CD on Itunes

    You can also try to change the location of your TEMP folder by modifying the system environment variables.

    The basic principle when it comes to reinstall Windows, is to have a partition with only one or more window and other partitions containing datas and other installed program.
    Who enacted this basic principle?

    But the problem is of increasing size gradually occupied by new patches and service pack. I'm here using FAT32.
    It provides you allocate a consistent size for C:? Then a Windows NTx.x installed in FAT32.

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