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Thread: Dreamweaver causes show various colors in browser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Dreamweaver causes show various colors in browser

    Hello friends,

    I have some trouble here.So in dream weaver CS3 all the css codes and changes I apply to my links somehow are changed to something that i have not put in for instance. I altered my links to Black no decoration white when visited and Grey hover...but now it shows up fine in the Dream weaver side of it. but when i preview in browser it shows various colors and with an underline?how or what code can resolve this and overwrite the browser or what could be the reason..I can't figure it out.please help me here

    any helps would be greatly received..!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Dreamweaver causes show various colors in browser

    All right, you seem to be confusing troubles here quite a lot.In your page HTML code, you have a body background image set, as the cowboy image.Now You have to have a body background color as black.Now You,have a body background color configured in your style css also.You don't need to configure a background image, and a background color for your page, its brings problem..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Dreamweaver causes show various colors in browser

    Are you with a CSS stylesheet? If so, did you store the changes to your style sheet, prior to previewing the page in a browser?.May be you can click on code and alter the CSS that Dreamweaver has set as default for that template. You can change the CSS to your hearts delight. You can simple understand what CSS is used for the footer,header,side column, and main column by either reading the HTML (or XHTML) and see the CSS class each section uses.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Dreamweaver causes show various colors in browser

    You think thats bad you wanna see what happens in IE.In IE the entire right hand side jumps down on the browser. Interesting though that all looks pretty fine in firefox on the computer I have looked with the fixes and I thought maybe working with the CSS after I had altered the color codes in the HTML would work for duplicating other pages with the same colors, but when I go to the different sections (header, body, footer, side column, etc) in the CSS properties they show the color as the original color from the template, not the color I have inserted.

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