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Thread: Twitter Wordpress Plugin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Twitter Wordpress Plugin

    Hi all, I am having a WordPress Blog from a long time. Now i need some plugins to integrate my twitter account. So do you guys having idea of the best WordPress Plugins that can create a complete integration between my WordPress blog and Twitter account ? Please let me know too. I appreciate your help in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Twitter Wordpress Plugin

    If you own WordPress blog than definetly with the help of plug-ins you can reap benefits of Twitter account.Twitter Tools is a plugin that creates a complete integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. I can suggest you some Twitter Plug-ins that can be very useful for you. Here it is :-

    • The first of all is Twitter Tools that allow your visitors to share your content via social bookmarking sites and/or e-mailing the post to a friend. Yo can pull your tweets into your blog and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress. It also supports the Share Icon project.

    • You can also go for TweetSuite. It allows you to track tweets about your blog posts. TweetSuite adds a server side fully-featured TweetBacks service, complete with a Digg-style “Tweet This” button at the top of each post.It also carries some interesting features like:-

      • Automatic Tweeting of new posts
      • Most-Tweeted Widget
      • Recently-Tweeted Widget
      • My-Last-Tweets Widget
      • My-Favorited-Tweets Widget
      • Server-side (no-JS or remote calls) TweetBacks
      • ReTweet-This buttons for each TweetBack
      • A digg-like Tweet-This Button

    • Twitpress Submits a user definable tweet to your twitter account notifying any twitter followers or friends that a new blog entry has been published on your blog (or an existing published entry has been edited). Supports inclusion of a permalink to your blog posting in the tweet.To install Twitpress:
      • Upload twitpress.php to the /wp-content/plugins directory
      • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in Wordpress Admin (you may need to be using a wordpress administrator account for this action)
      • Please note that twitpress will create a table in your wordpress database called 'twitpress'. It will clobber any previous table with that name.
      • Fill in your twitter account information in the twitpress configuration menu found in the Manage menu in Wordpress Admin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Twitter Wordpress Plugin

    There is one Wordpress plug-in called as Tweet This. It adds a "Tweet This Post" link to every post and page. Shortens URLs in advance through, eating up only 19 of 140 characters. Also included: Plurk, Yahoo Buzz, Delicious, Digg, Facebook, MySpace,, Reddit, and StumbleUpon. Includes the post's title after the link (can be customized). If your titles are really long, they get cut off at 136 characters with "...". Customize under Settings > Tweet This. Includes your choice of six buttons.

    This plugin fetches a shortened URL from for each of your blog posts' permalinks server-side, then displays a link to Twitter for each post, with a small Twitter logo. This is done automatically for each post as needed, but the shortened URLs are cached (as a custom field in the postmeta table) to keep load times fast. The cached records are updated or deleted as needed when you edit a post's permalink, delete a post, change your site's permalink structure, or change URL services.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Twitter Wordpress Plugin

    You can have Twitter Wordpress Sidebar Widget It adds a sidebar widget to display Twitter updates (uses the Javascript Twitter 'badge').It has some useful features like:-

    • You can style your Twitterings however you like using CSS. This opens up more options for you if you use Twitter as a mobile blogging tool
    • You can choose whether to display your Twitter name before each post
    • You can customise text between the post text and the relative time
    • Ability to customise the number of updates shown in your sidebar
    • Individual links to each status update on Twitter
    • Should match the current styling of your sidebar

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