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Thread: Unable to convert djvu format files in JPEG format

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Unable to convert djvu format files in JPEG format


    I have .djvu formated picture files which is superior in quality and i wanted to covert those pictures files into JPEG format, this is because my mobile phone does not support djvu format files but it supports jpeg format and i wanted to shows that photos to number of colleagues and mobile phone will be the handy option to do that..

    I have tried several times changing the format but unable to do the conversion to the expectation so please help or give suggestions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Unable to convert djvu format files in JPEG format

    Here are the steps to convert the djvu format files in the jpeg format.

    1. You need to Download and install Universal Document Converter software onto your computer.
    2. You need to Install DjVu Browser Plugin for Internet Explorer or for any Browser you are using.
    3. Select and Open the DjVu file in Internet Explorer and press the Print button in the DjVu Browser Plugin toolbar.
    4. Select Universal Document Converter from the printers list and press Properties button.
    5. Select the Document to JPEG, Color profile in the Universal Document Converter Properties window.
    6. Once this has done, Press OK in the Print dialog to start converting. When the JPEG file is ready, it will be saved to the location where ever you want your Output Files folder by default.
    7. Then converted document you may opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer software or another viewer associated with JPEG files on your computer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Unable to convert djvu format files in JPEG format

    You may need to download the DJVU to JPEG file converter, this will automatically convert the file to the desired file format, and there only you will get the information file about how to convert the file format,that will guide to the every step.

    or else you may also try downloading the FILE TYPE CONVERTER software.

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