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Thread: Macro for hyperlink on Word/Excel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Macro for hyperlink on Word/Excel

    I'd like to use a macro in a Word document that runs and a string corresponds to an excel cell, I take the address as a hyperlink.

    For example I have a Word document, where I see the string AABB, which corresponds to a single cell in Excel, for example, A1 and in B1, I have the address corresponding to this line ( for example).

    I would therefore like to have link on the word AABB addressed to

    In addition I do not know if this is feasible, since the string length can vary, for example, I have a little AABB, then a AA3B0, then a Q_AA02.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Macro for hyperlink on Word/Excel

    It should already be seen that how to determine which channels to search.

    I suppose, you must begin by using the Excel file, determine the range that contains the pairs "keyword/URL", then scan the Word document, line by line ...

    Is this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Macro for hyperlink on Word/Excel

    Yes, it is better to let the excel file to check if the lines are in the Word document.

    So in fact I took the string in a cell, I compare with my Word, and if it finds, it sets the corresponding hyperlink.

    But I think it will take a huge time knowing that there are 1000+ and the same word for the number of registration in excel.

    Ideas to make it fast enough? and especially for the macro call the documents one after the other (so basically any analysis of any file for example).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Macro for hyperlink on Word/Excel

    Here is the code:

    On Error Resume Next 
      'Variables declarations 
      V_jobName = "" 
      V_Stream = "" 
      V_Application = "" 
      V_Moment_dexecution = "" 
      V_temps_treatment = "" 
      V_successcondition = "" 
      V_Consequence = "" 
      V_Column1 = "" 
      V_TASKTYPE = ""  
      V_url = "<A HREF =" 
      V_url_middle = "" 
      V_url_End = "</ A>" 
      V_errorManage = "" 
      'declaration of the locations of files excels 2 
    	  path_file = "C:\test_vbs\test2.xls" 
    	  path_file_ListJobname = "C:\test_vbs\ListJob.xls" 
      'load excel 
    	  set ex = Wscript.createobject ("Excel.Application") 
    	  set ex2 = Wscript.createobject ("Excel.Application") 
      'opens on 1 doc excel to retrieve info 
    	  ex.Workbooks.Open path_file
    	  ex.visible = false 
      'opens the 2nd doc excel to retrieve the list of job 
    	  ex2.Workbooks.Open path_file_ListJobname
    	  ex2.visible = false 
      'removes the first line 
      'will put all the headers and count the number of columns 
    		  nbcol = 1 
      'Retrieve the number of columns "nbcol" 
    	  While not ex.ActiveSheet.cells (1, nbcol).Value = ""  
    		  nbcol = nbcol 1 
    	  nbcol = nbcol - 1 
      'No initialization of the 1st line address 
    	  nbline = 3 
      'on the way on 1 doc 
      While not ex. ActiveSheet.cells (nbline, 1). Value = ""  
    			  for i = 1 to nbcol 
      we get the data corresponding to each column 
    				  Select Case i 
    					  Case "2" V_Application = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "3" V_Jobname = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "6" V_Stream = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "7" V_TASKTYPE = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "8" V_NAME_OF_TREATMENT = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "9" V_DESCRIPTION_OF_TREATMENT = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "10" V_temps_treatment = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "11" V_Moment_dexecution = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "12" V_DESCRIPTION_FUNCTIONAL = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "13" V_successeurcondition = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "14" V_Consequence = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    					  Case "15" V_Column1 = ex. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline, i). Value 
    				  End Select 
      'Retrieve the value for the title of the file to create 
    				  If i = 3 Then 
    					  filename = ex. ActiveSheet. cells (nbline, i). value & '#.htm " 				
    				  End If 
      'Create file htm 
    				  Set filesys = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
     				  Set readfile = filesys.OpenTextFile ("c:\test_vbs\Job.htm",1, false)
    						  contents = readfile. ReadAll 
    				  readfile. close 
    				  If filename = "" Then 
    					  filename = "Name_Credits.htm" 	
    				  End If 
      'Treatment of the dynamic creation of domains 
    				  nbline2 = 1 
      'route on the 2nd excel where the job is stored 
    				  While not ex2. ActiveSheet. Cells (nbline2, 1). Value = ""   
    					  file_job = ex2. ActiveSheet. cells (nbline2, 1). value 
    					  If Len (V_successcondition)> 0 Then 
    						  Vx = Mid (V_successcondition, InStr (V_successcondition, file_Job), Len (file_job)) 
    							  If file_job Then Vx = 
    								  V_successcondition = V_url & file_job & V_url_Middle & file_job & V_url_End 
    							  End If 
    						  Vx = "" 
    					  End If 
    					  If V_Column1 <> "" Then 
    						  Vx = Mid (V_Column1, InStr (V_Column1, file_Job), Len (file_job)) 
    						  If file_job Then Vx = 
    							  V_Column1 = V_url & file_job & V_url_Middle & file_job & V_url_End 
    						  End If 
    						  Vx = "" 
    					  End If 
    					  If V_Consequence <> "" Then 
    						  Vx = (Mid (V_Consequence, InStr (V_Consequence, file_Job), Len (file_job))) 
    						  If Then file_job = Vx 
    								  V_Consequence = V_url & file_job & V_url_Middle & file_job & V_url_End 
    						  End If 
    						  Vx = "" 
    					  End If 
    					  file_Job = "" 
    					  nbline2 = nbline2 + 1  
      'Replaces the values of Htm file by that recovered in the excel 
    					  Set text = filesys. CreateTextFile ( "c:\test_vbs \" &filename) 
    					  contents = replace (contents, ""JOBNAME ", V_Jobname) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" stream ", V_Stream) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" APPLICATION ", V_Application) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" Description_of_treatment ", V_DESCRIPTION_OF_TREATMENT) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" description_functional ", V_DESCRIPTION_FUNCTIONAL) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" Name_of_treatment ", V_NAME_OF_TREATMENT) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" Moment_dexecution ", V_Moment_dexecution) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" temps_treatment ", V_temps_treatment) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" successcondition ", V_successcondition) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" predecessor ", V_Column1) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" consequence ", V_Consequence) 
    					  contents = Replace (contents, "" tasktype ", V_TASKTYPE) 
    					  text. Write (contents) 
    				  text. close 
    				  nbline = nbline 1 
    	  Filename = "" 
    	  V_Jobname = "" 
    	  V_Stream = "" 
    	  V_Application = "" 
    	  V_NAME_OF_TREATMENT = "" 
    	  V_Moment_dexecution = "" 
    	  V_temps_treatment = "" 
    	  V_successcondition = "" 
    	  V_Column1 = "" 
    	  V_Consequence = "" 
    	  V_TASKTYPE = "" 
        MsgBox (V_errorManage)  
    	  ex. Application. DisplayAlerts = False 
    	  ex. quit 
    	  ex2. Application. DisplayAlerts = False 
    	  ex2. quit 
    	  msgbox ". html created" 
    	  set ex = Close 
    	  Set ex2 = Close

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