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Thread: Does validation safeguard Acronis True Image 11?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Does validation safeguard Acronis True Image 11?

    I make from time to time an image disc with Acronis True Image 11 which is carried out successfully. I did not read all the book because I do not have patience, but I would like to know how to proceed exactly for the validation of the safeguard:

    For example, I make a safeguard of C on my partition D (Acerdata). The operation lasts approximately 38 mn.

    It is in 3 parts:

    - complete safeguard of May 2 20091.tib

    - complete safeguard of May 2 20092.tib

    - complete safeguard of May 2 20093.tib

    To validate this safeguard, I click on “Validation of Safeguard”, “Following”, “Following” and, in the window of left, I click on the line “safeguards complete of May 2 20091.tib”. A small rectangle with yellow is posted in bottom on the right. Then, I click on “Proceeding” and the validation starts. It lasts 38 mn. In the window of right-hand side, it is indicated: Operation 1 out of 1

    At the end, one tells me “Validation carried out successfully”.

    My question:

    I would like to know if this validation, as I launched, includes the 3 parts or if I must make in the same way then for part 2 (of May 2 20092.tib) and also for part 3 (of May 2 20093.tib)? It takes 38 each time mn.

    Could you answer me?

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Does validation safeguard Acronis True Image 11?

    I do not include/understand why your safeguard is in three parts ,

    when I make my safeguards, they are of a part, odd ton history.

    I am under acronis 10, therefore I think that it is similar

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Does validation safeguard Acronis True Image 11?

    Your safeguard is in 3 pieces because you did not choose the good option
    like you safeguards on another partition useless to cut out it, and
    still more practical when on a safeguard you want to recover one
    only file or a file.

    To check your safeguard in ACRONIS there is a function for that in Tools it with the function To validate a safeguard there.

    And in more when you prepare the execution of your safeguard in the Options there is Validate the safeguard after its realization.

    I pumped that in a TUTO but in the HELP/F1 of ACRONISthere must be the explanation of these options! ! ! ! ! .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Does validation safeguard Acronis True Image 11?

    You see my safeguard in 3 parts there.

    ===> MY SYSTEM EAST IN FAT32. It is perhaps for that it is in 3 parts?

    For Somebodyone:

    To carry out the safeguard, I took the default options. I did not choose to cut out it. Moreover, I do not include/understand.

    For the function “To validate a safeguard”, I clicked on the good keys. Moreover, I followed the tuto of Microphone-Hebdo indicated in the last answer.

    According to you, there should be only one part, even in FAT32?

    Thank you for your assistance and with +

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Does validation safeguard Acronis True Image 11?

    FAT32 or NTFS for the streamer TRUEIMAGE of fout! ! ! ! if you save on a DVD the file SAFEGUARDS will not be created in NTFS or FAT32 it has a format owner
    (.tib) it is compressed at the rate that you wish!

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