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Thread: How do i automatically number rows in Excel 2007

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    idea How do i automatically number rows in Excel 2007

    Hello Everybody,

    Recently i had installed Microsoft Office 2007 on my system. I would like to know that how do i automatically number rows in Excel 2007. For example, if i have 25 rows of text in a single cell and i want them to be numbered automatically in my spreadsheet. How can i do so? Does any body knows about it? Kindly anyone provide me the correct logical steps for the above issue. Any kind of information on the above issue would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How do i automatically number rows in Excel 2007

    If you are looking for a more advanced autonumbering system for your data, and you have Microsoft Access installed, you could import the Excel data to an Access database. In an Access database, you can create a field that automatically generates a unique number when you enter a new record in a table. For more information, see Import Excel data to an Access database and Fields that generate numbers automatically in Access.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How do i automatically number rows in Excel 2007

    In Excel 2003 and 2007 however, you can use the Row function to add your own autonumbering to a list.

    Say you want to create a list of all of your school’s classes and their corresponding learning materials.

    Follow the steps below to add autonumbering to the list: * In A1, enter the formula below: =TEXT(Row(A1),”000-000″)

    1) Enter the name of the first class in B1.

    2) Enter the learning material of the first class in C1.

    3) Copy cell A1 to A2.

    4) Enter the name of the second class in B2.

    5) Enter the learning material of the second class in C2.

    6) Select A1:C2.

    7) Go to Data | List and select Create List.

    8) In Excel 2007, press CTRL + T and then click OK.

    Notice, that when you type the name of the next class in B3 and press Tab, MS Excel will automatically provide the next number for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How do i automatically number rows in Excel 2007

    To create an AutoNumber field

    1. Open the table in Design view.

    2. To insert the field in the table, right-click in the row below where you want to add the field, and then click Insert Rows on the shortcut menu.

    3. In the Field Name column, type a name for the field.

    4. In the Data Type column, click the arrow and then click AutoNumber.

    5. If you want the values in the field to be random instead of sequential, click the NewValues box in the bottom part of the window, and change the setting from Increment to Random.

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