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Thread: Excel 2003 - require assistance importing rows instead of columns

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Excel 2003 - require assistance importing rows instead of columns

    I have a text document that I need imported into Excel so that it can be sorted.

    The text is basically several hundred words separated by a comma.

    Example: "snow,plains,mountains,fire,water"

    There are no spaces anywhere. When I open the document, excel treats each word as a column, and as there are several hundred words, I run out of columns. I'd like to change it so that it treats each word as a row. I'd like to have it imported down the sheet instead of across the sheet.

    Anyone know how I can do this?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Excel 2003 - require assistance importing rows instead of columns

    Excel tips and tricks here download that file you will get help .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Excel 2003 - require assistance importing rows instead of columns

    4TOPS Excel Link offers an easy and controlled way to export data from Microsoft Access to Microsoft Excel. Mapping is done using named ranges, which are added automatically to the template and can be moved to the exact position you require.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Excel 2003 - require assistance importing rows instead of columns

    4TOPS Data Analysis and Reporting is a combination of 4 wizards for retrieving information in Microsoft Access. It is used for statistical analysis and presentation of the data in your Microsoft Access database. The wizards enable end-users to define their own reports without need to involve an Microsoft Access programmer.

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