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Thread: Microsoft Excel VBA (macros list)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Microsoft Excel VBA (macros list)


    maybe you can help me yes ...

    How can one from a list of a table in a macro call?

    That should work as follows:

    I have a table in which the names of macros to each other in individual cells are:

    Z1: a
    Z2: b
    Z3: c

    Now I would like a macro from a macro to start by saying the contents of cell 1 auslese.
    What should be the appropriate command in the macro look like?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Microsoft Excel VBA (macros list)


    ALSO, I have quite your "requirements" are not understood.

    you want to start a macro, by clicking on cell 1?

    make it so, put a text box and then connect it with the appropriate macro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Microsoft Excel VBA (macros list)

    For background, it is perhaps understandable, what I want:

    In the list the macros that I created (the macros are called a, b and c), then I select on a list name, which is then in a cell.

    Now I would like from another macro to the macro call, whose name in this one cell. I must but this cell and then somehow the macro call, the so-called as the contents of the cell.

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