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Thread: Mobile Search engine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Mobile Search engine

    i am using blackberry . i want to know about how i can make my search better.
    i need good Search engine that can help me in work to do fast. is there any one who have idea about it ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Mobile Search engine .

    hi ,
    i know one solution for you which my brother is using .
    try Boopsie ,it is a mobile search provider. However, we like to call it mobile find - because Boopsie finds things, it doesn't search for them. The Boopsie client is a thin, yet powerful, layer between you and what you are trying to find. Boopsie does not 'contain' the data; it creates and uses special indexes to find the data on other content providers' site

    In short - you can type less using Boopsie. Boopsie uses a multi-prefix incremental search. Which basically means you can type the first few letters of your search terms. As you type letters, Boopsie is dynamically searching to find what you are typing - and showing answers in real-time. So, you get immediate feedback and Boopsie only lets you type something in the answer set. Once you see what you are looking for, you click on it and Boopsie links you to the appropriate web page. Google, Yahoo and others use a traditional form based search. You have to type the whole set of words you are looking for and then hit a Go or Submit button. Then, you have to do all the work to scroll and read through a bunch of potential answers - which is both tedious and unnecessary.Boopsie works over any data connection - GPRS, EDGE, EVDO, WiFi, UMTS, HSPDA, 3G etc. If you can browse on your phone, you can most likely use Boopsie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Mobile Search engine

    for download use this link from this link you will get instruction to install and use .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Mobile Search engine

    google is best as we all know you can check here for google privilege

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