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Thread: Looking for a script to delete files older than 14 days

  1. #1
    Michael Kapangama Guest

    Looking for a script to delete files older than 14 days

    Please help I am looking for a vb/batch file that can delete files older
    than xx days. Also the script should have a output so that l may Blat the


  2. #2
    Pegasus \(MVP\) Guest

    Re: Looking for a script to delete files older than 14 days

    "Michael Kapangama" <MKAPANGAMA@SBCGLOBAL.NET> wrote in message
    > Please help I am looking for a vb/batch file that can delete files older
    > than xx days. Also the script should have a output so that l may Blat the
    > report.
    > Thx.

    The downloadable command xxcopy.exe has this facility already
    built into it: xxcopy /rs /db#xx /ed /yy .. . .

  3. #3
    Shay Levi Guest

    Re: Looking for a script to delete files older than 14 days

    If Windows PowerShell is an option:

    $oldFiles = (get-date).addDays(-14)
    dir <path> -recurse | where-object {-not $_.PSIsContainer -and ($_.lastWriteTime
    -ge $oldFiles)} | remove-item -force -whatIf

    Here's a breakdown of the command:

    1. $oldFiles = (get-date).addDays(-14)
    Create a date object and set it to today -14 days

    2. dir <path> *.* -recurse
    -recurse: Deletes the items in the specified locations and in all child
    items of the locations.

    3. where {-not $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.lastWriteTime -ge $oldFiles}
    You pipe the dir command to the where-object cmdlet
    -not $_.PSIsContainer: don't include directory objects
    -and $_.lastWriteTime -ge $oldFiles: where each file's lastWriteTime property
    is greater to or equel to 14 days

    4. pipe the where clause to the remove-item cmdlet:
    -force: Overrides restrictions that prevent the command from succeeding,
    it also removes read only files
    -whatIf: Describes what would happen if you executed the command without
    actually executing the command.

    When you're ready to go you can omit the -whatIf parameter

    Shay Levi
    $cript Fanatic

    > Please help I am looking for a vb/batch file that can delete files
    > older than xx days. Also the script should have a output so that l may
    > Blat the report.
    > Thx.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    You can use forfiles.exe (native on server 2003 or downloadable from the server 2000 resource kit). There is a guide here:
    Last edited by Sarah Lou; 27-09-2008 at 04:00 PM.

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