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Thread: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code of

  1. #1
    Teo Chee Yang Guest

    Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code of

    I have a scheduled job running mailsed.exe for mail notification every 1
    hour. However, sometimes there are some error message in the schedlgu.txt log
    file as follow:

    "The task completed with an exit code of [ff]"

    Mai i know what does exit code ff means? Where can i find the exit code of
    scheduled tasks?

  2. #2
    Pegasus \(MVP\) Guest

    Re: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code of

    "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > I have a scheduled job running mailsed.exe for mail notification every 1
    > hour. However, sometimes there are some error message in the schedlgu.txt

    > file as follow:
    > "The task completed with an exit code of [ff]"
    > Mai i know what does exit code ff means? Where can i find the exit code of
    > scheduled tasks?

    The exit code is determined by the application you run,
    not by the Task Scheduler. What exactly is it?

  3. #3
    Teo Chee Yang Guest

    Re: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code

    i'm running this mailsend.cmd file in this job:

    FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    echo %mm% >mm.txt
    if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    echo %dd% >dd.txt
    if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set year=%%C
    echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    copy /b
    concatdate-mm.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-dd.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-yyyy.txt concatdate.txt
    del /q dd.txt
    del /q mm.txt
    del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    del /q filedate.txt
    if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    goto :ENDNOW

    MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub "Failed
    Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt


    it makes use of 2 exe file: mailsend.exe and trim.exe. Does the exit code ff
    indicates anything?

    "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:

    > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > > I have a scheduled job running mailsed.exe for mail notification every 1
    > > hour. However, sometimes there are some error message in the schedlgu.txt

    > log
    > > file as follow:
    > >
    > > "The task completed with an exit code of [ff]"
    > >
    > > Mai i know what does exit code ff means? Where can i find the exit code of
    > > scheduled tasks?

    > The exit code is determined by the application you run,
    > not by the Task Scheduler. What exactly is it?

  4. #4
    Pegasus \(MVP\) Guest

    Re: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code

    "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > i'm running this mailsend.cmd file in this job:
    > @ECHO OFF
    > FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    > DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    > if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    > if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    > for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    > echo %mm% >mm.txt
    > if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    > echo %dd% >dd.txt
    > if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set year=%%C
    > echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    > copy /b

    yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    > del /q dd.txt
    > del /q mm.txt
    > del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    > del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    > del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > del /q filedate.txt
    > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    > set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    > if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    > goto :ENDNOW
    > :MATCHED
    > MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub

    > Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    > exit
    > :ENDNOW
    > exit
    > it makes use of 2 exe file: mailsend.exe and trim.exe. Does the exit code

    > indicates anything?
    > "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:
    > >
    > > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > >
    > > > I have a scheduled job running mailsed.exe for mail notification every

    > > > hour. However, sometimes there are some error message in the

    > > log
    > > > file as follow:
    > > >
    > > > "The task completed with an exit code of [ff]"
    > > >
    > > > Mai i know what does exit code ff means? Where can i find the exit

    code of
    > > > scheduled tasks?

    > >
    > > The exit code is determined by the application you run,
    > > not by the Task Scheduler. What exactly is it?
    > >
    > >
    > >

    There are several problems with your batch file:
    - You use overly complicated coding. Keep it simple - it
    will be much easier to debug!
    - You consistently fail to specify a drive and a path for your
    auxiliary files. This is bad. Instead of writing
    echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt, you MUST write your code like so:
    echo %fileDATE% >c:\filedate.txt (for example)
    - You use two non-standard tools, trim.exe and mailsend.exe, but
    you don't say where these tools reside. You MUST state this
    in your batch file, e.g. like so:
    c:\tools\trim.exe /f: c:\concatdate-mm.txt /r
    - For the benefit of the administrators who come after you, you should
    include a descriptive header in your batch file like so:
    @echo off
    goto Start
    This batch file will do this:
    - ... (put your words here)
    - ...
    - ...
    Prerequisites: c:\tools\trim.exe

    26 February 2007 Teo Chee Yang
    set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%

    I did not attempt to follow the logic of the batch file. If you still
    have a problem, post your modified version and explain the
    actual purpose of the batch file.

    FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    *** Replace with: set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%

    FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    *** Replace with:
    FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%a IN ('type C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    DO SET fileDATE=%%a

    if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    *** Omit this line. It is not required.

    echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file location, e.g.
    echo %FileDate% > c:\FileDate.txt

    if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file location.

    for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    *** Much simpler to write set mm=%date:~4,2%

    echo %mm% >mm.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file location.

    if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file locations.

    trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and

    if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file location.

    trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and

    for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B

    *** Much simpler to write set dd=%date:~7,2%

    echo %dd% >dd.txt

    *** You must specify the exact file location.

    if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt

    *** You must specify the exact file location.

    trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r

    *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and

    if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt

    *** You must specify the exact file location.

    trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r

    *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and

    for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set year=%%C

    *** Much simpler to write set year=%date:~10,4%

    echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt

    *** You must specify the exact file location.

    trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and

    copy /b
    yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file locations

    del /q dd.txt
    del /q mm.txt
    del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    del /q filedate.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.

    if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    *** Much simpler to write
    if not exist concatdate.txt goto :eof
    *** Note that :eof is an inbuilt label.

    set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    goto :ENDNOW

    *** Much simpler to write
    if not "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :eof

    MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub "Failed
    Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.

    *** Delete the remaining lines - you don't need any of them.

  5. #5
    Teo Chee Yang Guest

    Re: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code

    I'm not a programmer, so i guess you will know it from the scripts that i've
    written below :)

    all the files generated/required should reside in C:\Script\schedlgu folder.
    that's why i didnt put the path in my script.

    do you think the error code ff are generated by the non standard trim.exe
    and mailsend.exe? or it it because of the other part of the script?

    appreciate your feedback. thanks.

    "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:

    > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > > i'm running this mailsend.cmd file in this job:
    > >
    > > @ECHO OFF
    > > FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    > > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    > > DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    > > if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    > > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    > > if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    > > for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    > > echo %mm% >mm.txt
    > > if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    > > echo %dd% >dd.txt
    > > if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set year=%%C
    > > echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    > > copy /b
    > >

    > concatdate-mm.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-dd.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-y
    > yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    > > del /q dd.txt
    > > del /q mm.txt
    > > del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    > > del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    > > del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > del /q filedate.txt
    > > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    > > set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    > > if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    > > goto :ENDNOW
    > >
    > > :MATCHED
    > > MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub

    > "Failed
    > > Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    > > exit
    > >
    > > :ENDNOW
    > > exit
    > >
    > > it makes use of 2 exe file: mailsend.exe and trim.exe. Does the exit code

    > ff
    > > indicates anything?
    > >
    > > "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:
    > >
    > > >
    > > > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > > >
    > > > > I have a scheduled job running mailsed.exe for mail notification every

    > 1
    > > > > hour. However, sometimes there are some error message in the

    > schedlgu.txt
    > > > log
    > > > > file as follow:
    > > > >
    > > > > "The task completed with an exit code of [ff]"
    > > > >
    > > > > Mai i know what does exit code ff means? Where can i find the exit

    > code of
    > > > > scheduled tasks?
    > > >
    > > > The exit code is determined by the application you run,
    > > > not by the Task Scheduler. What exactly is it?
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >

    > There are several problems with your batch file:
    > - You use overly complicated coding. Keep it simple - it
    > will be much easier to debug!
    > - You consistently fail to specify a drive and a path for your
    > auxiliary files. This is bad. Instead of writing
    > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt, you MUST write your code like so:
    > echo %fileDATE% >c:\filedate.txt (for example)
    > - You use two non-standard tools, trim.exe and mailsend.exe, but
    > you don't say where these tools reside. You MUST state this
    > in your batch file, e.g. like so:
    > c:\tools\trim.exe /f: c:\concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > - For the benefit of the administrators who come after you, you should
    > include a descriptive header in your batch file like so:
    > @echo off
    > goto Start
    > =========================================
    > This batch file will do this:
    > - ... (put your words here)
    > - ...
    > - ...
    > Prerequisites: c:\tools\trim.exe
    > c:\tools\mailsend.exe
    > 26 February 2007 Teo Chee Yang
    > =========================================
    > :Start
    > set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > etc.
    > I did not attempt to follow the logic of the batch file. If you still
    > have a problem, post your modified version and explain the
    > actual purpose of the batch file.
    > @ECHO OFF
    > FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    > *** Replace with: set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    > DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    > *** Replace with:
    > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%a IN ('type C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    > DO SET fileDATE=%%a
    > if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    > *** Omit this line. It is not required.
    > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location, e.g.
    > echo %FileDate% > c:\FileDate.txt
    > if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    > *** Much simpler to write set mm=%date:~4,2%
    > echo %mm% >mm.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations.
    > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > concatdate-mm.txt
    > if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > concatdate-mm.txt
    > for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    > *** Much simpler to write set dd=%date:~7,2%
    > echo %dd% >dd.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > concatdate-mm.txt
    > if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > concatdate-mm.txt
    > for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set year=%%C
    > *** Much simpler to write set year=%date:~10,4%
    > echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > concatdate-year.txt
    > copy /b
    > concatdate-mm.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-dd.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-y
    > yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations
    > del /q dd.txt
    > del /q mm.txt
    > del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    > del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    > del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > del /q filedate.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.
    > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    > *** Much simpler to write
    > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :eof
    > *** Note that :eof is an inbuilt label.
    > set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    > if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    > goto :ENDNOW
    > *** Much simpler to write
    > if not "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :eof
    > :MATCHED
    > MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub "Failed
    > Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    > *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.
    > *** Delete the remaining lines - you don't need any of them.
    > exit
    > :ENDNOW
    > exit

  6. #6
    Pegasus \(MVP\) Guest

    Re: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code

    You may not be a programmer but you have certainly
    picked up a few advanced skills in batch file programming!

    It's OK for you to place your files into the nominated
    folder but then you MUST start your batch file with
    the following lines:

    @echo off
    goto Start
    This batch file will do this:
    - ... (put your words here)
    - ...
    - ...
    Prerequisites: C:\Script\schedlgu\trim.exe

    26 February 2007 Teo Chee Yang
    cd /d C:\Script\schedlgu
    set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%

    The two utilities trim.exe and mailsend.exe must also reside
    in the same folder.

    "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > I'm not a programmer, so i guess you will know it from the scripts that

    > written below :)
    > all the files generated/required should reside in C:\Script\schedlgu

    > that's why i didnt put the path in my script.
    > do you think the error code ff are generated by the non standard trim.exe
    > and mailsend.exe? or it it because of the other part of the script?
    > appreciate your feedback. thanks.
    > "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:
    > >
    > > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > >
    > > > i'm running this mailsend.cmd file in this job:
    > > >
    > > > @ECHO OFF
    > > > FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    > > > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type

    > > > DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    > > > if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    > > > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    > > > if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    > > > for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    > > > echo %mm% >mm.txt
    > > > if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > > if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > > for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    > > > echo %dd% >dd.txt
    > > > if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > > if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > > for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set

    > > > echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    > > > copy /b
    > > >

    > >

    > > yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    > > > del /q dd.txt
    > > > del /q mm.txt
    > > > del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    > > > del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > > del /q filedate.txt
    > > > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    > > > set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    > > > if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    > > > goto :ENDNOW
    > > >
    > > > :MATCHED
    > > > MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub

    > > "Failed
    > > > Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    > > > exit
    > > >
    > > > :ENDNOW
    > > > exit
    > > >
    > > > it makes use of 2 exe file: mailsend.exe and trim.exe. Does the exit

    > > ff
    > > > indicates anything?
    > > >
    > > > "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:
    > > >
    > > > >
    > > > > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in

    > > > >
    > > > > > I have a scheduled job running mailsed.exe for mail notification

    > > 1
    > > > > > hour. However, sometimes there are some error message in the

    > > schedlgu.txt
    > > > > log
    > > > > > file as follow:
    > > > > >
    > > > > > "The task completed with an exit code of [ff]"
    > > > > >
    > > > > > Mai i know what does exit code ff means? Where can i find the exit

    > > code of
    > > > > > scheduled tasks?
    > > > >
    > > > > The exit code is determined by the application you run,
    > > > > not by the Task Scheduler. What exactly is it?
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >

    > >
    > > There are several problems with your batch file:
    > > - You use overly complicated coding. Keep it simple - it
    > > will be much easier to debug!
    > > - You consistently fail to specify a drive and a path for your
    > > auxiliary files. This is bad. Instead of writing
    > > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt, you MUST write your code like so:
    > > echo %fileDATE% >c:\filedate.txt (for example)
    > > - You use two non-standard tools, trim.exe and mailsend.exe, but
    > > you don't say where these tools reside. You MUST state this
    > > in your batch file, e.g. like so:
    > > c:\tools\trim.exe /f: c:\concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > - For the benefit of the administrators who come after you, you should
    > > include a descriptive header in your batch file like so:
    > > @echo off
    > > goto Start
    > > =========================================
    > > This batch file will do this:
    > > - ... (put your words here)
    > > - ...
    > > - ...
    > > Prerequisites: c:\tools\trim.exe
    > > c:\tools\mailsend.exe
    > >
    > > 26 February 2007 Teo Chee Yang
    > > =========================================
    > > :Start
    > > set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > > etc.
    > >
    > > I did not attempt to follow the logic of the batch file. If you still
    > > have a problem, post your modified version and explain the
    > > actual purpose of the batch file.
    > >
    > >
    > > @ECHO OFF
    > > FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    > > *** Replace with: set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > >
    > > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type

    > > DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    > > *** Replace with:
    > > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%a IN ('type

    > > DO SET fileDATE=%%a
    > >
    > > if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    > > *** Omit this line. It is not required.
    > >
    > > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location, e.g.
    > > echo %FileDate% > c:\FileDate.txt
    > >
    > > if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > >
    > > for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    > > *** Much simpler to write set mm=%date:~4,2%
    > >
    > > echo %mm% >mm.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > >
    > > if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations.
    > >
    > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > >
    > > if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > >
    > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > >
    > > for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    > >
    > > *** Much simpler to write set dd=%date:~7,2%
    > >
    > > echo %dd% >dd.txt
    > >
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > >
    > > if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    > >
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > >
    > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > >
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > >
    > > if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    > >
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > >
    > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > >
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > >
    > > for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set year=%%C
    > >
    > > *** Much simpler to write set year=%date:~10,4%
    > >
    > > echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > >
    > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > >
    > > trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > concatdate-year.txt
    > >
    > > copy /b
    > >

    > > yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations
    > >
    > > del /q dd.txt
    > > del /q mm.txt
    > > del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    > > del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    > > del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > del /q filedate.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.
    > >
    > > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    > > *** Much simpler to write
    > > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :eof
    > > *** Note that :eof is an inbuilt label.
    > >
    > > set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    > > if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    > > goto :ENDNOW
    > >
    > > *** Much simpler to write
    > > if not "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :eof
    > >
    > > :MATCHED
    > > MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub

    > > Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.
    > >
    > > *** Delete the remaining lines - you don't need any of them.
    > > exit
    > > :ENDNOW
    > > exit
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >

  7. #7
    Teo Chee Yang Guest

    Re: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code

    Few questions:

    1. For e.g. you wrote this:

    set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%

    may i know what does this %Date:~4% means? Any web site for reference?

    2. Do you think the error message ff comes from trim.exe and mailsend.exe?
    Or do they come from other part of the script? I ran this script every hour
    for 12 hours and normally i get 2 - 3 such errors a day.

    Appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

    "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:

    > You may not be a programmer but you have certainly
    > picked up a few advanced skills in batch file programming!
    > It's OK for you to place your files into the nominated
    > folder but then you MUST start your batch file with
    > the following lines:
    > @echo off
    > goto Start
    > =========================================
    > This batch file will do this:
    > - ... (put your words here)
    > - ...
    > - ...
    > Prerequisites: C:\Script\schedlgu\trim.exe
    > C:\Script\schedlgu\mailsend.exe
    > 26 February 2007 Teo Chee Yang
    > =========================================
    > :Start
    > cd /d C:\Script\schedlgu
    > set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > The two utilities trim.exe and mailsend.exe must also reside
    > in the same folder.
    > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > > I'm not a programmer, so i guess you will know it from the scripts that

    > i've
    > > written below :)
    > >
    > > all the files generated/required should reside in C:\Script\schedlgu

    > folder.
    > > that's why i didnt put the path in my script.
    > >
    > > do you think the error code ff are generated by the non standard trim.exe
    > > and mailsend.exe? or it it because of the other part of the script?
    > >
    > > appreciate your feedback. thanks.
    > >
    > > "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:
    > >
    > > >
    > > > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > > >
    > > > > i'm running this mailsend.cmd file in this job:
    > > > >
    > > > > @ECHO OFF
    > > > > FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    > > > > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type

    > C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    > > > > DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    > > > > if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    > > > > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    > > > > if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    > > > > for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    > > > > echo %mm% >mm.txt
    > > > > if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > > > if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > > > for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    > > > > echo %dd% >dd.txt
    > > > > if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    > > > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > > > if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    > > > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > > > for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set

    > year=%%C
    > > > > echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > > > trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    > > > > copy /b
    > > > >
    > > >

    > concatdate-mm.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-dd.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-y
    > > > yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    > > > > del /q dd.txt
    > > > > del /q mm.txt
    > > > > del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > > del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    > > > > del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > > > del /q filedate.txt
    > > > > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    > > > > set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    > > > > if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    > > > > goto :ENDNOW
    > > > >
    > > > > :MATCHED
    > > > > MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub
    > > > "Failed
    > > > > Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    > > > > exit
    > > > >
    > > > > :ENDNOW
    > > > > exit
    > > > >
    > > > > it makes use of 2 exe file: mailsend.exe and trim.exe. Does the exit

    > code
    > > > ff
    > > > > indicates anything?
    > > > >
    > > > > "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:
    > > > >
    > > > > >
    > > > > > "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in

    > message
    > > > > >
    > > > > > > I have a scheduled job running mailsed.exe for mail notification

    > every
    > > > 1
    > > > > > > hour. However, sometimes there are some error message in the
    > > > schedlgu.txt
    > > > > > log
    > > > > > > file as follow:
    > > > > > >
    > > > > > > "The task completed with an exit code of [ff]"
    > > > > > >
    > > > > > > Mai i know what does exit code ff means? Where can i find the exit
    > > > code of
    > > > > > > scheduled tasks?
    > > > > >
    > > > > > The exit code is determined by the application you run,
    > > > > > not by the Task Scheduler. What exactly is it?
    > > > > >
    > > > > >
    > > > > >
    > > >
    > > > There are several problems with your batch file:
    > > > - You use overly complicated coding. Keep it simple - it
    > > > will be much easier to debug!
    > > > - You consistently fail to specify a drive and a path for your
    > > > auxiliary files. This is bad. Instead of writing
    > > > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt, you MUST write your code like so:
    > > > echo %fileDATE% >c:\filedate.txt (for example)
    > > > - You use two non-standard tools, trim.exe and mailsend.exe, but
    > > > you don't say where these tools reside. You MUST state this
    > > > in your batch file, e.g. like so:
    > > > c:\tools\trim.exe /f: c:\concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > > - For the benefit of the administrators who come after you, you should
    > > > include a descriptive header in your batch file like so:
    > > > @echo off
    > > > goto Start
    > > > =========================================
    > > > This batch file will do this:
    > > > - ... (put your words here)
    > > > - ...
    > > > - ...
    > > > Prerequisites: c:\tools\trim.exe
    > > > c:\tools\mailsend.exe
    > > >
    > > > 26 February 2007 Teo Chee Yang
    > > > =========================================
    > > > :Start
    > > > set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > > > etc.
    > > >
    > > > I did not attempt to follow the logic of the batch file. If you still
    > > > have a problem, post your modified version and explain the
    > > > actual purpose of the batch file.
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > @ECHO OFF
    > > > FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS= " %%1 IN ('date /T') DO SET currentDATE=%%1
    > > > *** Replace with: set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > > >
    > > > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%2 IN ('type

    > C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    > > > DO SET fileDATE=%%2
    > > > *** Replace with:
    > > > FOR /F "TOKENS=5 DELIMS= " %%a IN ('type

    > C:\Script\schedlgu\schedlgu.txt')
    > > > DO SET fileDATE=%%a
    > > >
    > > > if exist filedate.txt del /q filedate.txt
    > > > *** Omit this line. It is not required.
    > > >
    > > > echo %fileDATE% >filedate.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location, e.g.
    > > > echo %FileDate% > c:\FileDate.txt
    > > >
    > > > if exist concatdate.txt del /q concatdate.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > > >
    > > > for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%A in ('type filedate.txt') do set mm=%%A
    > > > *** Much simpler to write set mm=%date:~4,2%
    > > >
    > > > echo %mm% >mm.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > > >
    > > > if %mm% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+mm.txt concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations.
    > > >
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > > >
    > > > if %mm% GEQ 10 echo %mm% >concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > > >
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > > >
    > > > for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%B in ('type filedate.txt') do set dd=%%B
    > > >
    > > > *** Much simpler to write set dd=%date:~7,2%
    > > >
    > > > echo %dd% >dd.txt
    > > >
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > > >
    > > > if %dd% LSS 10 copy /b zero.txt+dd.txt concatdate-dd.txt
    > > >
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > > >
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > >
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > > >
    > > > if %dd% GEQ 10 echo %dd% >concatdate-dd.txt
    > > >
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > > >
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-dd.txt /r
    > > >
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > > concatdate-mm.txt
    > > >
    > > > for /f "tokens=3 delims=/" %%C in ('type filedate.txt') do set year=%%C
    > > >
    > > > *** Much simpler to write set year=%date:~10,4%
    > > >
    > > > echo %year% >concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > >
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file location.
    > > >
    > > > trim /f:concatdate-yyyy.txt /r
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for trim.exe and
    > > > concatdate-year.txt
    > > >
    > > > copy /b
    > > >

    > concatdate-mm.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-dd.txt+separator.txt+concatdate-y
    > > > yyy.txt concatdate.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations
    > > >
    > > > del /q dd.txt
    > > > del /q mm.txt
    > > > del /q concatdate-mm.txt
    > > > del /q concatdate-dd.txt
    > > > del /q concatdate-yyyy.txt
    > > > del /q filedate.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.
    > > >
    > > > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :ENDNOW
    > > > *** Much simpler to write
    > > > if not exist concatdate.txt goto :eof
    > > > *** Note that :eof is an inbuilt label.
    > > >
    > > > set /p concatDATE=<concatdate.txt
    > > > if "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :MATCHED
    > > > goto :ENDNOW
    > > >
    > > > *** Much simpler to write
    > > > if not "%concatDATE%" == "%currentDATE%" goto :eof
    > > >
    > > > :MATCHED
    > > > MAILSEND.exe -d -smtp xxxxx -t -f -sub

    > "Failed
    > > > Scheduled Job" < schedlgu.txt
    > > > *** You must specify the exact file locations for the above files.
    > > >
    > > > *** Delete the remaining lines - you don't need any of them.
    > > > exit
    > > > :ENDNOW
    > > > exit
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >


  8. #8
    Pegasus \(MVP\) Guest

    Re: Scheduled Task error code:The task completed with an exit code

    See below.

    "Teo Chee Yang" <> wrote in message
    > Few questions:
    > 1. For e.g. you wrote this:
    > set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%
    > may i know what does this %Date:~4% means? Any web site for reference?

    The code means: Take the variable %date%, then return all
    characters from 4 onwards. Counting starts at 0. Thus the lines
    set name=GeorgeWBush
    echo %name:~7%
    will return "Bush". Run for /? from a Command Prompt to see full details.

    > 2. Do you think the error message ff comes from trim.exe and mailsend.exe?
    > Or do they come from other part of the script? I ran this script every

    > for 12 hours and normally i get 2 - 3 such errors a day.

    I don't have the faintest idea but if you generate some logs then
    you will soon find out: just examine c:\log.txt after the error
    has occurred - see below.

    > Appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

    @echo off
    goto Start
    This batch file will do this:
    - ... (put your words here)
    - ...
    - ...
    Prerequisites: c:\tools\trim.exe

    26 February 2007 Teo Chee Yang
    echo *********************** >> c:\log.txt
    echo %date% %time% >> c:\log.txt
    set CurrentDate=%Date:~4%

    trim /f:concatdate-mm.txt /r 1>> c:\log.txt 2>>&1
    echo ErrorLevel of trim.exe=%ErrorLevel% 1>> c:\log.txt 2>>&1
    ... .. ..
    copy .. .. .. 1>> c:\log.txt 2>>&1
    ... .. ..
    mailsend /.. /.. 1>> c:\log.txt 2>>&1

    echo ErrorLevel of MailSend.exe=%ErrorLevel% 1>> c:\log.txt 2>>&1

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