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Thread: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

  1. #1
    William Fields Guest

    SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    I'm in the process of putting together the requirements for an "Automated
    System Recovery" (ASR) scenario and am having a hard time finding all the
    original installation media for a company I'm working with.

    They're running MS Windows SBS 2003 and have some Windows 2003 CD's and some
    individual server CD's (Exchange, SQL etc...), but nothing that explicitly
    says "MS Windows 2003 Small Business Server". I'm having them look up
    purchase orders and invoices that indicate what product(s) they actually
    bought a couple years ago, but I'd like to know what a business would
    physically receive if they purchased SBS 2003. FYI - I inherited this small
    network and it's a little fuzzy as to it's history, sounds like they've been
    through a few admin's over the last couple years...

    Anyone have a link they can point me to that'll help clear the air on what
    CD's and Product Keys they should have in hand?


  2. #2
    Merv Porter [SBS-MVP] Guest

    Re: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    I trust none of the CDs say: "Windows Server 2003 for Small Business
    Server". If so, they're not running SBS 2003.

    The original version (no SP1) of SBS 2003 was:

    CD 1-3 (Standard or Premium version)
    CD 4 Outlook 2003 (Standard or Premium version)
    CD 5 Premium Technologies (ISA 2000 and SQL 2000; Premium version only)
    CD 6 Frontpage 2003 (Premium version only)

  3. #3
    cjobes Guest

    Re: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    They could have bought it as OEM with the box and didn't get any CDs. I that
    case you should see a sticker on the box with the license key. Any luck

  4. #4
    KBB Guest

    Re: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    I have a similar situation; I have SBS 2003 Premium (original OEM edition)
    sold with a Dell server. The CD's are Dell-labeled, and are 1 of 4, 2 of 4
    etc....explicitly saying Small Business Server Premium. However, we cannot
    find the "Premium Technologies" CD (s), which contain SQL and ISA. Neither
    was installed initially, but I'd like to install SQL now. I requested
    replacement CD's from Dell, which they are sending as a courtesy, however,
    as one would expect, they won't send out new keys. There is a product key
    for SBS 2003 Premium and another key for Outlook 2003 & Frontpage on a COA
    sticker on the server. However, the Dell rep thought it might take an
    additional key to use the premium technologies disk. Have not seen that

    In the meantime, I decided to go ahead and update to R2....the price is
    pretty reasonable and a couple of the improvements will be nice.

  5. #5
    William Fields Guest

    Re: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    Sounds like this may be what I'm dealing with too. Here's what I got from
    one of their administrative staff:


    The server has a sticker which reads:

    2004 MS Corp Certificate of Authenticity X10-37280

    Wind SBS Std 2003 1-2 CPU 5-CAL
    OEM Software
    Product Key: XXXXX-X93YX-2PJ7K-XXXXX-2J9VM

    shows a bar code 0085-128-541-139

    Outlook 2003
    Product Key: XBVJD-XXXXX-7DF28-XXXXX-MYT7M


    I'm having them dig up records on where the server was originally purchased
    from, maybe this will help.

  6. #6
    William Fields Guest

    Re: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    Yes, that's it. Now I just need to know where they bought it from. From
    there I should be able to answer my other questions.

  7. #7
    William Fields Guest

    Re: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    If the company that sold the OEM SBS 2003 is now out of business, how would
    we go about getting a set of installation media?

  8. #8
    Merv Porter [SBS-MVP] Guest

    Re: SBS 2003 physical product CD's and Product Keys?

    Call Microsoft.

    How to replace lost, broken, or missing Microsoft software or hardware

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