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Thread: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

  1. #1
    Bobson Guest

    DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for your help in advaced.

    I have some servers with static IP assigned and have been running fine until
    the moment they got the "conficker" infected. Now the servers are clean, and
    they can go to "" and "". But they could not start the
    DHCP client service. I know it is not important at this point as the servers
    are running on static IP. But I just want to look into the solution.

    Thank you very much for your help.


  2. #2
    Meinolf Weber [MVP-DS] Guest
    The DHCP client service IS important to update DNS records, even when using
    fixed ip addresses. What error message do you get when you try to start it?

    To me an infected server is a compromised server. I would either restore it
    completely from a clean backup or rebuild it. The risk of using it, even
    when "cleaned", is far too great.

    I would like to ask... you metnioned that DHCP Client service could not
    start would affect the DNS... may you tell me little more speicifc details
    lke what would happen if the DHCP client service could not start?

    Check this article, don't take care about the title, just control the steps:;en-us;895149

    And if the problems go on better think about reinstalling if the server was
    infected from a backup prior to it.

    Best regards

  3. #3
    Bobson Guest

    Re: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Hi Meinolf,

    Thank you for your prompt response.

    The "warning" i got is: Even ID 1004, Source DHCP. It said The DHCP CLient
    Service is shutting down. The follow error occurred: Access is Denied.

    I did some resaarch and found couple of article to fix the similar error by
    adding "network services" group to something in the registry. But it could
    not fix the problem. WHen I start the service, it would tell me it won't
    start and access denied.

    Hope the info help.

  4. #4
    Bobson Guest

    Re: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Hi Pegasus,

    Yep I totally agreed with you at some point. But we have 40 servers right
    here mgiht have the same problem. I would rather trying other solutions first
    and will put this as a last resort.

    I have complete wiped out two of them and they started up right now compared
    to the others.

    Thank you for your help!

  5. #5
    Bobson Guest

    Solved: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Hi Meinolf,

    My apology!! As mentioned, I followed one of the articles before (you also
    sent me the same one). I claimed that it could not resovle the problem... I
    was wrong!! Once the server rebooted after changing registry, the DHCP
    clients can start again!

    I should have done so earlier.

    Thank you very much for all your help (everyone's) !!

  6. #6
    Troy Guest

    RE: Solved: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Just as an FYI. These are the only permissions needed to fix this problem.
    This is what a default out of box install does:

    Modify the permissions of this registry key:
    Add this builtin group -- access: Network Service -- Full Control
    Add this builtin group – access: Network Configuration Operators -- Read
    Have these permissions applied down the hive from the Parameters key --
    Check “Replace permission entries on all child objects….” Under advanced.

    We ran into the same problem and fixed it on all computers with a GPO.

  7. #7
    Bobson Guest

    RE: Solved: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invad

    Hi Troy,

    I was about to reply to Meinolf that the fix still did not work. ANd I just
    called Microsoft but our free tickets were used up.

    And I found your response as my bright light!!! It defintely works. And you
    claim me down now !!! I really apprecaite your help! This is the same to all
    of the others' help and responses!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Mexico City
    I just registered to thanks you and to let you know this above fix the issue in our servers. Another solution is to install SP2 - this fix the problem as well, but your solution is for far the best practice.

    Let me tell you this solution is not provided by Microsoft in any KB... I spend hours and hours in the internet, forums, friends, colleagues, etc and the only fix was the SP2.

    But this post save my day. I add the permissions and the dhcp client service is now working in a sec... nice!!!

    FYI i fix with this 10 servers running from DC, DNS, DHCP, Exchange, SQL, BES, etc in Vmware !!! cool!

    Thanks to you I finish my maintenance very quick today saturday!

    Bobson... No matter if you servers already have the SP2... Re-Installing SP2 is another fix for this as well.....

    From 15 servers i fixed a couple with the SP2 reinstall and the remaining with your solution... :)

    Thanks Troy to share the solution! very nice.

    Thanks for asking. We stopped the conflicker virus (all the versions) with Mcafee 8.5 w the last signature, the required patchs / updates from Microsoft and MRT (last version). MRT has been a very good resource to stop the worm.

    CSA Cisco has been important to keep the network secured with cero hour viruses but we do not have CSA in all servers.

    We even had servers without AV (Exchange, SQL and backup server) but conflicker has just demostrated you need to protect ALL servers. At this time all our servers are running an AV package.

    We have very good security (IDS, Forescout, ASA , GPOS, auditing, etc) but all this is not always enough. Working well with shares, strong password, user permissions and a central AV policy is highly important. Highly importance is to keep servers and workstations with the last service pack and critical updates from MS.

    Having a network with multiple offices is always a problem to stop this kind of viruses... always need advanced tools to track and determine and close the perimeter of the atack. Our security guy was working hard to stop this.

    Now we have more tighten security in place, we was able to stop the virus but the worm make some damage at certain point (like this dhcp service issue) and the worm disabled the Mcafee AV as well in some servers.

    In this last case, the MRT works great and we was able to clean the infected machine or server. An snapshot comparison shows this "compromised" server do not need to be re-installed because the MRT was able to clean the server 100% and actually the risk is inexistent.

    I added new rules to our Adaptive Security Appliance and we are monitoring traffic at layer 2/3 with the Forescout.

    We have extra backups and new Vmware snapshots just to be protected if new variants appears on the globe.... :)

  9. #9
    Bobson Guest

    Re: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Hi Cubanomx

    In fact, all of our servers already have SP2 installed and the damage is
    true. Unless you have the image back for those servers (which someone
    mentioned in this post)... I would have no choice to wipe it out to redo

    The fix really worked for me and I am so~~~ happy at this point as well :)
    hope things will go thru smooth to you.

    Again, thank you for all the responses and the solution here!!

  10. #10
    Bobson Guest

    Re: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Hi Cubanomx,

    Thank you again for the info! May you mind if we could keep in touch? I can
    also write you what we had here with the conficker... In fact some of the
    "ways" you mentioned did not work for us though...

    My personal email is For sure my machine which will
    be used to email you is clean and do not worry about "infection" this
    point :)

    Troy here was the person to tell me the soltion. He is great!!

    Take care. Thank you.

  11. #11
    Troy Guest

    RE: Solved: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invad

    Sorry for the delay in response. I didn't have it set to Notify me of
    replies....didn't think I would get any.

    We ended up not going with the GPO fix. We wanted the fix to be more
    permanent and to only fix the computers that were affected. I created two
    scripts to fix all the computers. The first script scans a list of computer
    names and creates a log for you to double check. This log tells you if the
    computer is on, if the permissions are right, if the service is started and
    the Product name of the OS. Remove the lines of the computers to don't want
    to change...(I could have combined the two scripts but I like to double and
    triple check things like this...a little OCD, I guess). Then run the second
    script against your modifed log. Windows 2000 computers are not affected.
    The DHCP Client service starts as the Local System account...not the Network
    Service account.

    After you run the second script your can rerun the first to rescan and
    double check to make sure everything is good.

    Your computer list input file should not include the "\\". I'm sure this
    little window I am typing in will really mess up the formatting too. As
    always, test first...And I am not responsible if anything bad happens. I ran
    it in my environment and it worked great....ENJOY!
    @echo off
    echo +==========================================================+
    echo + +
    echo + Check DHCP Client Service Registry Permissions +
    echo + +
    echo + Enter the file to read from: +
    set list=
    set /p list=%list%
    set output=ScanOutput.log
    echo Servername,Power,RegistryPerms,Service State,ProductName>%output%
    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%list%) do call :isitup %%a
    If exist templog del templog
    echo +==========================================================+

    exit /b

    set power=Off
    set regperms=DoubleCheck
    set PName=NA
    Set scstate=NA
    ping -n 1 %1|find /i "Request">nul 2>nul
    if %errorlevel%==1 set power=On
    If %power%==On goto check
    If %power%==Off goto output
    exit /b

    Echo Checking: %1
    for /f "tokens=4" %%b in ('sc \\%1 query "DHCP" ^|find /i "state"') do set
    subinacl /nostatistic /noverbose /outputlog=templog /keyreg
    for /f "tokens=* skip=2" %%z in ('reg query
    "\\%1\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName') do
    set PName=%%z
    set PName=%PName:~25%
    type templog |find /i "network" >nul 2>nul
    If %errorlevel%==0 Set regperms=Good
    If "%PName%"=="Microsoft Windows 2000" set regperms=NA

    echo %1,%power%,%regperms%,%scstate%,%PName% >>%output%


  12. #12
    Troy Guest
    Sorry...Forgot to tell you that you need the Server 2003 resource kit for
    the SC utility and to download an updated version of the SUBINACL
    utility....I put the download URL below..

    I called Microsoft for this problem, apparently their
    KB article is missing one more Reg. Key that needs to be modified,
    here is what you need to to to fix the problem per microsoft support
    (and it did fix all my servers)

    1. We went to H_K_L_M\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCP. We went
    Permissions. We added "Network Service" and gave it Full

    2. We went to H_K_L_M\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip. We went
    Permissions. We added "Network Service" and gave it Full

    3. We went to
    H_K_L_M\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCP\Parameters. We went to

    Permissions. We added "Network Service" and gave it Full
    Control. This resolved this issue.

    What was the original KB article # you are referring to?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Friend, you saved me not to format.


  14. #14
    mostafas67 Guest

    Re: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    The article I am refering to is KB 895149
    and here is the link to it

  15. #15
    Ace Fekay [MCT] Guest

    Re: DHCP Client Service cannot start after conficker invaded

    Thank you very much for posting the link. Hopefully it will help others if
    they find this thread searching the Internet.

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