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Thread: Get SQL Server version of each instance installed

  1. #1
    Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca Guest

    Get SQL Server version of each instance installed

    I'm looking for a way to get the version of each SQL Server instances
    installed locally on a server.
    Does anybody know the best way of doing that?



  2. #2
    Richard Mueller [MVP] Guest

    Re: Get SQL Server version of each instance installed

    Felipe wrote:

    > I'm looking for a way to get the version of each SQL Server instances
    > installed locally on a server.
    > Does anybody know the best way of doing that?

    I use a VBScript program. You would need a connection string for each
    ' Retrieve SQL Server version.

    Option Explicit

    Dim strConnect, adoConnection, adoRecordset, objShell
    Dim strVersion, strLevel, strEdition

    ' Construct connection string for PocketLunch database.
    strConnect = "DRIVER=SQL Server;" _
    & "Trusted_Connection=Yes;" _
    & "DATABASE=Master;" _
    & "SERVER=MyServer\MyInstance"

    ' Create ADO objects and connect to PocketLunch database.
    Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    adoConnection.ConnectionString = strConnect

    Set adoRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set adoRecordset.ActiveConnection = adoConnection

    ' Retrieve balances for each account as of specified date.
    adoRecordset.Source = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS Version, "
    & "SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel') AS Level, " _
    & "SERVERPROPERTY('edition') AS Edition"

    ' Enumerate account balances.
    Do Until adoRecordset.EOF
    strVersion = adoRecordset.Fields("Version").Value
    strLevel = adoRecordset.Fields("Level").Value
    strEdition = adoRecordset.Fields("Edition").Value
    Wscript.Echo "Version: " & strVersion
    Wscript.Echo "Level: " & strLevel
    Wscript.Echo "Edition: " & strEdition

    ' Clean up.
    Otherwise, you can run the query (the Source property of the ADO Recordset
    object above) with a command line tool or GUI.

    Richard Mueller
    MVP Directory Services
    Hilltop Lab -

  3. #3
    Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca Guest

    Re: Get SQL Server version of each instance installed

    Thanks for your reply, Richard.

    I'm going to run this solution on many servers, locally and monthly using
    Tivoli monitoring. The reason of running that is for auditing purposes.
    The problem is that I don't know how many instances each server is running.
    So, we'll need to discover how many instances the server is running and also
    their respective versions.
    We'll confirm if all licences for all instances are available and if each
    server really has the number of instances mentioned in the support contract.

    Thanks again,


    "Richard Mueller [MVP]" <> wrote in
    message news:ObEOzHbGJHA.4760@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
    > Felipe wrote:
    >> I'm looking for a way to get the version of each SQL Server instances
    >> installed locally on a server.
    >> Does anybody know the best way of doing that?

    > I use a VBScript program. You would need a connection string for each
    > instance.
    > ===========
    > ' Retrieve SQL Server version.
    > Option Explicit
    > Dim strConnect, adoConnection, adoRecordset, objShell
    > Dim strVersion, strLevel, strEdition
    > ' Construct connection string for PocketLunch database.
    > strConnect = "DRIVER=SQL Server;" _
    > & "Trusted_Connection=Yes;" _
    > & "DATABASE=Master;" _
    > & "SERVER=MyServer\MyInstance"
    > ' Create ADO objects and connect to PocketLunch database.
    > Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    > adoConnection.ConnectionString = strConnect
    > adoConnection.Open
    > Set adoRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    > Set adoRecordset.ActiveConnection = adoConnection
    > ' Retrieve balances for each account as of specified date.
    > adoRecordset.Source = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS Version,
    > " _
    > & "SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel') AS Level, " _
    > & "SERVERPROPERTY('edition') AS Edition"
    > adoRecordset.Open
    > ' Enumerate account balances.
    > Do Until adoRecordset.EOF
    > strVersion = adoRecordset.Fields("Version").Value
    > strLevel = adoRecordset.Fields("Level").Value
    > strEdition = adoRecordset.Fields("Edition").Value
    > Wscript.Echo "Version: " & strVersion
    > Wscript.Echo "Level: " & strLevel
    > Wscript.Echo "Edition: " & strEdition
    > adoRecordset.MoveNext
    > Loop
    > ' Clean up.
    > adoRecordset.Close
    > adoConnection.Close
    > ==========
    > Otherwise, you can run the query (the Source property of the ADO Recordset
    > object above) with a command line tool or GUI.
    > --
    > Richard Mueller
    > MVP Directory Services
    > Hilltop Lab -
    > --

  4. #4
    Richard Mueller [MVP] Guest

    Re: Get SQL Server version of each instance installed

    I looked for a way to enumerate all instances, but the only solution I found
    used .NET. There must be an SQL query (when you connect to the default
    instance) to do this, but I could not find it. One way would be to run "net
    start" and parse everything that starts with MSSQL$ for instance names,
    except under newer versions of SQL the service seems to be named:

    SQL Server (<instance name>)

    Richard Mueller
    MVP Directory Services
    Hilltop Lab -

    "Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca" <> wrote in
    message news:OqiA6rbGJHA.2468@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
    > Thanks for your reply, Richard.
    > I'm going to run this solution on many servers, locally and monthly using
    > Tivoli monitoring. The reason of running that is for auditing purposes.
    > The problem is that I don't know how many instances each server is
    > running.
    > So, we'll need to discover how many instances the server is running and
    > also
    > their respective versions.
    > We'll confirm if all licences for all instances are available and if each
    > server really has the number of instances mentioned in the support
    > contract.
    > Thanks again,
    > Felipe
    > "Richard Mueller [MVP]" <> wrote in
    > message news:ObEOzHbGJHA.4760@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
    >> Felipe wrote:
    >>> I'm looking for a way to get the version of each SQL Server instances
    >>> installed locally on a server.
    >>> Does anybody know the best way of doing that?

    >> I use a VBScript program. You would need a connection string for each
    >> instance.
    >> ===========
    >> ' Retrieve SQL Server version.
    >> Option Explicit
    >> Dim strConnect, adoConnection, adoRecordset, objShell
    >> Dim strVersion, strLevel, strEdition
    >> ' Construct connection string for PocketLunch database.
    >> strConnect = "DRIVER=SQL Server;" _
    >> & "Trusted_Connection=Yes;" _
    >> & "DATABASE=Master;" _
    >> & "SERVER=MyServer\MyInstance"
    >> ' Create ADO objects and connect to PocketLunch database.
    >> Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    >> adoConnection.ConnectionString = strConnect
    >> adoConnection.Open
    >> Set adoRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    >> Set adoRecordset.ActiveConnection = adoConnection
    >> ' Retrieve balances for each account as of specified date.
    >> adoRecordset.Source = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS
    >> Version, " _
    >> & "SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel') AS Level, " _
    >> & "SERVERPROPERTY('edition') AS Edition"
    >> adoRecordset.Open
    >> ' Enumerate account balances.
    >> Do Until adoRecordset.EOF
    >> strVersion = adoRecordset.Fields("Version").Value
    >> strLevel = adoRecordset.Fields("Level").Value
    >> strEdition = adoRecordset.Fields("Edition").Value
    >> Wscript.Echo "Version: " & strVersion
    >> Wscript.Echo "Level: " & strLevel
    >> Wscript.Echo "Edition: " & strEdition
    >> adoRecordset.MoveNext
    >> Loop
    >> ' Clean up.
    >> adoRecordset.Close
    >> adoConnection.Close
    >> ==========
    >> Otherwise, you can run the query (the Source property of the ADO
    >> Recordset object above) with a command line tool or GUI.
    >> --
    >> Richard Mueller
    >> MVP Directory Services
    >> Hilltop Lab -
    >> --


  5. #5
    Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca Guest

    Re: Get SQL Server version of each instance installed

    I got it using registry keys:

    strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL"

    objReg.EnumValues &H80000002, strKeyPath, arrEntryNames, arrValueTypes

    For count=0 To UBound(arrEntryNames)
    objReg.GetStringValue &H80000002, strKeyPath, arrEntryNames(count),
    objReg.GetStringValue &H80000002, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL
    Server\" & strInstance & "\Setup", "Version", strVersion
    objReg.GetDWORDValue &H80000002, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL
    Server\" & strInstance & "\Setup", "SQLCluster", strIsClustered
    If strIsClustered = 0 Then strIsClustered = "Stand-alone" Else
    strIsClustered = "Clustered"
    Wscript.Echo count+1 & ". " & arrEntryNames(count) & " - " & strVersion
    & " - " & strIsClustered

    Thank you again for your efforts, Richard! ;)



    "Richard Mueller [MVP]" <> wrote in
    message news:uYtgaLcGJHA.2156@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
    >I looked for a way to enumerate all instances, but the only solution I
    >found used .NET. There must be an SQL query (when you connect to the
    >default instance) to do this, but I could not find it. One way would be to
    >run "net start" and parse everything that starts with MSSQL$ for instance
    >names, except under newer versions of SQL the service seems to be named:
    > SQL Server (<instance name>)
    > --
    > Richard Mueller
    > MVP Directory Services
    > Hilltop Lab -
    > --
    > "Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca" <> wrote in
    > message news:OqiA6rbGJHA.2468@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
    >> Thanks for your reply, Richard.
    >> I'm going to run this solution on many servers, locally and monthly using
    >> Tivoli monitoring. The reason of running that is for auditing purposes.
    >> The problem is that I don't know how many instances each server is
    >> running.
    >> So, we'll need to discover how many instances the server is running and
    >> also
    >> their respective versions.
    >> We'll confirm if all licences for all instances are available and if each
    >> server really has the number of instances mentioned in the support
    >> contract.
    >> Thanks again,
    >> Felipe
    >> "Richard Mueller [MVP]" <> wrote in
    >> message news:ObEOzHbGJHA.4760@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
    >>> Felipe wrote:
    >>>> I'm looking for a way to get the version of each SQL Server instances
    >>>> installed locally on a server.
    >>>> Does anybody know the best way of doing that?
    >>> I use a VBScript program. You would need a connection string for each
    >>> instance.
    >>> ===========
    >>> ' Retrieve SQL Server version.
    >>> Option Explicit
    >>> Dim strConnect, adoConnection, adoRecordset, objShell
    >>> Dim strVersion, strLevel, strEdition
    >>> ' Construct connection string for PocketLunch database.
    >>> strConnect = "DRIVER=SQL Server;" _
    >>> & "Trusted_Connection=Yes;" _
    >>> & "DATABASE=Master;" _
    >>> & "SERVER=MyServer\MyInstance"
    >>> ' Create ADO objects and connect to PocketLunch database.
    >>> Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    >>> adoConnection.ConnectionString = strConnect
    >>> adoConnection.Open
    >>> Set adoRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    >>> Set adoRecordset.ActiveConnection = adoConnection
    >>> ' Retrieve balances for each account as of specified date.
    >>> adoRecordset.Source = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS
    >>> Version, " _
    >>> & "SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel') AS Level, " _
    >>> & "SERVERPROPERTY('edition') AS Edition"
    >>> adoRecordset.Open
    >>> ' Enumerate account balances.
    >>> Do Until adoRecordset.EOF
    >>> strVersion = adoRecordset.Fields("Version").Value
    >>> strLevel = adoRecordset.Fields("Level").Value
    >>> strEdition = adoRecordset.Fields("Edition").Value
    >>> Wscript.Echo "Version: " & strVersion
    >>> Wscript.Echo "Level: " & strLevel
    >>> Wscript.Echo "Edition: " & strEdition
    >>> adoRecordset.MoveNext
    >>> Loop
    >>> ' Clean up.
    >>> adoRecordset.Close
    >>> adoConnection.Close
    >>> ==========
    >>> Otherwise, you can run the query (the Source property of the ADO
    >>> Recordset object above) with a command line tool or GUI.
    >>> --
    >>> Richard Mueller
    >>> MVP Directory Services
    >>> Hilltop Lab -
    >>> --



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