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Thread: Evil Virus, can't access system restore, run or control panel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Evil Virus, can't access system restore, run or control panel

    I have a Windows XP computer at my home. Don’t from where it got infected but the virus seems to be having heavy damage. They had changed my background, disabled task manager, Control panel, disabled all my account’s Admin privileges and many more problems.

    I tried to scan the system completely three times and removed 17 viruses so far but still the problem exists. I’m even not able to perform system Restore. Somebody please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Evil Virus, can't access system restore, run or control panel

    Though there are various ways of removing malware and antivirus from your system but as you said, your computer has faced really a very heavy damage and the best you should do is backup your data and do a clean Windows Installation by formatting the entire hard drive.

    If you just go through the virus removal process it will take more than a month but still I am sure that you wont be 100% virus free.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Evil Virus, can't access system restore, run or control panel

    I don’t know how can you attempt the system restore but if in case you managed to restore your system I guarantee your system is not going to be fixed. The only way left now is to do a clean reformat of your entire hard drive.

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