A fan has reworked some decorations of Final Fantasy VIII, famous RPG game from Square Enix, using the graphics engine of Unreal Engine, 3ds Max and Photoshop for textures. Rendering shows images of very good quality.

Memorable RPG game from Square Enix released in 1999 on PSone, Final Fantasy VIII rocked many players for many hours of play. A fan of this episode has sought to improve the rendering of the game by reworking the graphics engine of Unreal Engine 4.

Scott Honeycutt posted rendering images of Balamb Garden University (BGU), a military university where the adventure begins with Squall, the main character of the game. The artist used 3ds Max and Photoshop to rework Quixel textures.

Game view angles were taken literally, recalling some memories for fans of the first hour. Anyway, it helps to get an idea of ​​what might give the game with an updated graphics.

Final Fantasy VIII: Balamb Garden

Final Fantasy VIII: Balamb Garden Screenshots