The web giant Yahoo is on the verge of closing the control of four original series whose purpose is to allow it to compete with the online distribution platforms such as HBO or Netflix.

Now-a-days the video demand is on the rise and many are trying to find a place to take advantage of this form of consumption for expansion. Thus, Yahoo would offer its own programs exclusively, as do Netflix and HBO, an asset in the sector, and has ordered a comedy series set in the standard format of 30 minutes per episode. Each season will consist of 10 episodes.

Yahoo will not hesitate to put their hands in the pocket, as each episode would have allocated a budget of between $700,000 and several million dollars.

Yahoo Logo

As per Marissa Mayer, director of Yahoo, the company expects to introduce the company capable of producing its own programs at an event for advertisers later in April. Needless to say, if Yahoo manages to capture more users share on its platform with its exclusive productions, advertisers will easily follow the suit.

Since 2012, Yahoo has invested more in the dissemination of video content, the firm also seeks to shift the stars of YouTube to its service by promising higher incomes.

If the agreements are signed for four new series of Yahoo, they will be released from Yahoo Screen accessible from iOS and web browsers. Unfortunately for Yahoo, no application is currently available on the box, TV or gaming consoles, unlike the competition.