The search engine DuckDuckGo has processed more than a billion queries in 2013.

The year 2013 has been a "big" year for DuckDuckGo. The search engine announced in 2013 have treated more than a billion searches. Surely this is a good performance for an engine that plays the anti-Google map and has ample of opportunity revealed about PRISM.

Edward Snowden unveiled, by mid-2013, a document on the electronic monitoring program of the NSA that had direct access to data on the servers of American Web giants. Riding on the scandal and saying it could never be used for PRISM, the traffic DuckDuckGo has skyrocketed.


This effect is a little packed at the end of the year although with a peak of more than 4 million hits per day. DuckDuckGo began in 2014 with more than 3.7 million hits per day.

Even before PRISM, DuckDuckGo began to build its reputation on the back of Google, showing as an alternative by not tracing users, not collecting and not sharing personal information, not keeping historical research. DuckDuckGo also pointed Google to lock users in a bubble.

Still, Google gets more than a thousand billion searches a month!