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Thread: Reset Button Settings and Improved Omnibox comes in New Chrome browser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Reset Button Settings and Improved Omnibox comes in New Chrome browser

    Google announced that it released a new stable version of its Chrome browser with a few optimizations performed on the Omnibox.

    Available in beta since July 17, the 29th edition of Chrome is a relatively minor update. Rather than adding new features, this version is more to improve the ergonomics.

    The Chrome Omnibox, bringing the functionality of a search field and an address bar appears to have been the main improvement project. Indeed, Google promises that it will provide more relevant suggestions based on browsing history. The latter is more dense and the browser will be able to understand the surfing habits of the user, which will only enter the first few letters of a URL.

    Mark Pearson, the engineer, added a new option that proposes to re-initialize the browser while maintaining data on its servers to the Internet, whether favorites, downloaded applications or Web history navigation.

    At the same time, Google took the opportunity to update the mobile version of their browser on Android. Like the last edition of Firefox Mobile, the WebRTC technology is enabled by default. Future versions of Chrome should provide better ergonomics for touch interfaces as well as parental controls.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Reset Button Settings and Improved Omnibox comes in New Chrome browser

    This new final version of Chrome 29 Web browser is released for Windows, OS X, Linux and Android. If this update enhances performance and stability, it abolishes a little above the boundaries between desktop and mobile. The previous version had already reflected this strategic direction that was introduced in early July and common to all the new platforms.

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