Apple has filed a patent on Thursday unveiling a draft for smart battery. The product would be able to optimize its autonomy based on user habits and positioning.

The iPhone may be soon able to optimize its operation depending on your behavior. The Cupertino company has in fact filed a patent on Thursday on a particularly innovative battery idea.

The project, unearthed from the site AppleInsider, would build on the treatment of user data to achieve its purposes. Depending on the habits of the owner of the device, the device would be able to determine the energy required to remain on between recharges. To succeed in this small feature, it would be based on geolocation in particular.

Using GPS to get to work, the device would be able to quickly determine the load required to keep it running. Beyond the example of the drive and the use of GPS, through habits or using hourly data should be able to know the time at which the battery is operated intensively and those in which instead needs in terms of costs will be reduced.

This user profiling could also be a feature that can change adjustments of the device according to the person who uses it. Just select the profile for the smartphone or tablet that fits energy management based on habits of the user.

Specifically, if the load may not be sufficient to take before the next charging, the device may turn off some services to get some life, says the patent. The paper takes as an example of the brightness of the screen, data extraction and notifications, enabling or disabling certain applications.

Obviously, the filing of a patent does not mean that the technology will be deployed in the near future. However it marks a line of work and Apple's desire to protect the concept. It could be a very useful feature for mobile users.