iBall has recently launched Andi 4.3j - Android 2.3 Smartphone for Rs. 9,499. Andi 4.3j has 4.3-inch capacitive touchscreen powered by 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 processor and runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread operating system. It has 5 MP camera, 2GB internal storage, 512 MB of RAM and it is expandable up to 32GB using microSD card. One of the very interesting feature and which makes Andi 4.3j different from other android Smartphone’s is that it has dual-battery - one 1,630 mAh and another 900 mAh battery, both altogether contribute power of 2,530mAh.
Andi 4.3j is India’s first dual Battery smart phone, iBall has come up with Andi 4.3j to eliminate the battery backup issue for their smart phone users. A dual Android Battery smart phone was really needed in Indian market and iBall is first company to realize it. The only thing that might drive ones interest from Andi 4.3j is its price. There are many Smartphone’s available right know from companies like Karbonn and Micromax at cheaper rates that too with android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) operating system.
iBall Andi 4.3j specification:
- Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).
- Dual-SIM (dual standby).
- 4.3" capacitive touchscreen with pixel dimensions of 800x480.
- 1 GHz Cortex A9 CPU, 512 MB RAM.
- 2 GB internal storage, 32 GB microSD support.
- 5 megapixel rear and 0.3 megapixel front cameras.
- 3G, Wi-Fi, EDGE, GPRS, Bluetooth with A2DP + EDR.
- Orientation sensor, Proximity sensor, Light sensor.
- Dual battery: 1630 mAh + 900 mAh = 2530 mAh.
What do you think guys?? Is Andi 4.3j worth? Can it compete other smartphones in India market??? Let me know your views by commenting below.