After original Funbook, Funbook pro, Funbook Infinity and recently spotted Funbook alpha , Micromax has announced fifth tablet called “Funbook Talk” for Rs 7100 in their Funbook collection. Funbook Talk has 7-inch capacitive TFT LCD display with 800x480 pixel resolution, powered by a 1GHz processor with 512MB RAM running android 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich.
As it name suggests Funbook Talk has built-in voice calling and 2G connectivity support. Funbook Talk is Micromax 1st tablet with voice calling, their previous range of tablets were impressive but were lacking voice calling support. Micromax has finally heard mob request and has come up with a better tablet. Like other Funbook tablets “Talk” has VGA front camera, 4GB internal storage which is expandable up to 32GB via microSD card, Wi-Fi and 3G dongle support via USB 2.0, 2800mAh battery and additional mini HDMI port.
It comes preloaded with lots of apps for media, education and social networking, it supports several audio and video formats and has TV mode for streaming live television.
- In-built voice-calling and 2G data support
- 3G USB cards
- 7-inch capacitive display
- 800x480p resolution
- 1.0 GHz Cortex A8
- Dual Mali 400 chipset
- Android 4.0.4
- 512MB RAM
- 4GB of internal storage
- 0.3MP front camera
- 2800mAh battery